Category: long story short

  • The Senator from Potty-Mouth

    Turns out, the “F.” in John F. Kerry doesn’t stand for “friggin.” If you know what I mean. And in case you don’t, let me spell it out for ya: John Kerry is a big-time potty-mouth — big-time. This story must make the Kerry folks so happy — after all these months of hearing about…

  • It’s beginning to look a lot like Grozny

    I honestly have no idea of the veracity of this dissenting report about what happened in Samarra. In fact, while it circulates the idea that Iraqi police may have tipped off the insurgents/bandits who attacked the currency convoy, I seem to recall that Times reporter Dexter Filkins mentioned on the Lehrer hour last night that…

  • Shameless

    When I saw the Thanksgiving news about the President going to Iraq to cheer the troops, I thought this was admirable, something definitely worth doing. I didn’t grudge Bush the good PR. I felt something similar when the statue of Saddam was pulled down (in Firdos Square, was it?), and only later, as stories of…

  • Crumlish to Kerry: Do the right thing

    First, some disclosure: I support Howard Dean for President, have donated to his campaign, and am supporting him as an unpaid grassroots volunteer. I am obviously biased. However, I have resisted and still resist the whole stampede to Dean’s aura of inevitably. Yes, he does seem to have finessed the whole field. He has won…

  • The world’s one remaining superpower still needs friends

    When we won the cold war we entered a period of change and risk in some ways as perilous as the nuclear threat of the previous forty years. Bush the first understood this, and even his kinder, gentler New World Order concept of multilateral cooperation scared the bejeesus out of the militia types who ultimately…

  • What’s ‘sacred’ about marriage?

    Now that the Massachusetts Supreme Court has ruled it unconstitutional in that state for marriage to be restricted to opposite-sex couples, the Republicans have the culture-war wedge issue they were planning to run on in 2004 served up to them right over the middle of the plate. It perfectly divides the electorate for them, marginalizing…