Category: long story short

  • More sources for the orchard story

    The Yellow Doggerel Democrat has been tracking down some alternative sources for the item about US / coalition troops uprooting orchards in Iraq.

  • Yankees tie it up in the 8th!

    Man, I really feel for Red Sox fans. Martinez is obviously an incredible talent but why was he allowed to stay in to preside over that unraveling? I know the Yanks haven’t won it yet, but it looks like now they might. The cameras focused on a sign reading “Mystique don’t fail me now” and…

  • Leaks and the leaky leakers who leak them

    Eschaton has the Philadelphia Inquirer running this bit of Becket-like absurdity: “Bush told his senior aides Tuesday that he “didn’t want to see any stories” quoting unnamed administration officials in the media anymore, and that if he did, there would be consequences, said a senior administration official who asked that his name not be used.”…

  • The myth of ‘electability’

    I knew Al Gore was sunk when Patrick Moynihan, in the course of endorsing Bill Bradley for president in the primaries leading up to 2000, pronounced Al Gore “unelectable.” I didn’t agree that this was necessarily the case, but I did feel that this curse would become a self-fulfilling prophesy. In OpinionJournal, Harold Bloom writes…

  • In the desert, trees are life

    I find the whole idea of U.S. troops imposing collective punishment by uprooting longstanding orchards to be sickening on so many levels that I’ve had a hard time coming up with what I want to say about it. Here’s Patrick Neilsen Hayden, borrowed, quoted, and nested: I’ve been trying all day to get my mind…

  • Dreier to challenge Boxer?

    Sacbee blogger Dan Weintraub reports: The Washington Times speculates that Rep. David Dreier, political-friend-in-chief to the new gov, might challenge Barbara Boxer for the U.S. Senate next year…. [California Insider] Everyone’s trying to read the tea leaves now with Schwarzenegger and just the other day someone was telling me that Dreier could have big ambitions.