Category: long story short
Kos handicaps the Dems
Daily Kos: State of the Democratic Race gives a reasonably good overview of Democratic candidate primary strategies and tactics at this sateg in the race.
An early Halloween in California
In Sunday’s San Francisco Chronicle, Matier & Ross help get us into the Halloween spirit by reporting on two extremely creepy moments in California politics. Extremely Creepy Moment Number One At a bipartisan post-election party, M&R write: “The 70 or so people at the party also included a number of lobbyists, one of whom went…
Germans react to California recall
Jeff Jarvis at BuzzMachine notes that the German magazine Bild points to Schwarzenegger’s success (and his “iron will”) in a way that gives him the heeby-jeebies. Jeff’s reaction triggered these thoughts, which I first posted in his comment: It could be seen as a sign of healed national relations that we could elect a German-accented…
White House Plame defense shaping up
Reading around at TPM and Orcinus today I can see the outlines of a White House defense for the burning of deep-cover CIA agent, Valerie Plame. First, they will assert that the two senior administration officials (Possibly I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and Elliott Abrams) who told Robert Novak that Joseph Wilson’s wife was CIA and…
Things I’m doing today to keep from feeling too blue
1. Finished the Franken book. That chapter on the Wellstone memorial is amazing. If you read nothing else in the book, read that one chapter. Angry. Honest. Uplifting. 2. Listened to Steve Martin off Fresh Air/NPR. I taped this the other day on my boom box. The tape had Simon and Garfunkel on it and…
Recommended spin: anti-incumbent fever
Last night while watching the election results and contemplating the inauguration of der Gropenfuhrer, I said to B that my spin on all this was going to be that the energy of the campaign (aside from the fanboy hero-worship) came from an anti-incumbent feeling and frustration with the economy and the budget deficit. Schwarzenegger kept…