Category: long story short

  • Afghanistand

    The first time Bush pronounced it that way in Sunday’s speech I figured he had ellided it by mistake with the word ‘and’ that followed, but the second time he said ‘Afghanistand’ I had to wonder if he really thinks that’s how it’s pronounced.

  • Davis errs with slur

    I’ve never been a big fan of Gray Davis, who doesn’t seem to stand for anything but himself, but I also find this recall process to be misguided and suspicious in its funding and in the way it makes a scapegoat of Davis for issues that are either beyond his control or that were actively…

  • Weintraub showing bias

    I’ve been following Daniel Weintraub’s excellent California Insider weblog recently, because he posts California Recall updates several times a day. His reportage is very good, but lately it seems to me that he’s been going easy on Schwarzenegger (bending over backward to be evenhanded, if you ask me) while lambasting Davis, Bustamante, and now Dean.…

  • Two views of Schwarzenegger

    The California Insider quotes two Republicans on Arnold’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Stop the madness

    I’m feeling groggy today because I stayed up half the night reading most of Al Franken’s new book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. I expected it to be funny, and it is, but it is also infuriating and uplifting. I’ve seen the attacks on…

  • Saving the Bush presidency

    Michael Watkins suggests that some heads will have to roll. But isn’t everything working out just as planned, haven’t we got them right where we want them, isn’t our hat-in-hand approach to the UN just a continuation of our previous efforts? Inquiring minds and all that.