Category: long story short
George Will smeared Wesley Clark
The drumbeat continues. Will Will fess up to his misleading cut ‘n’ paste job? Not half likely.
That tiresome O’Reilly factor
While it’s nice – in a way – to see O’Reilly thoroughly fisked like this, isn’t it really a waste of energy? Does the guy really matter? Isn’t it about time he vanished up his own digestive tract?
Who is the fly, us or them?
Michael Watkins is calling for Wolfowitz’s head.
The Bush-haters meme
David Neiwert has ably deconstructed the equivalency argument that equates opposition to Bush with the rabid Clinton-hating of the last decade.
Cheney coverup
Oliver Willis cites Dick Cheney for obstruction of justice. What happeend to that story circulating a few weeks ago that the energy task force documents included maps of Iraq’s oil fields? Speaking of connecting the dots, when is someone going to connect Bush et al., Ken Lay, Enron, the California energy crisis, the northeast blackout,…
Twice the casualties
I heard on the Lehrer news hour today that the number of U.S. casualties in Iraq since the declaration of an end to major combat operations now equals the number of casualties during said major combat operations. So now the occupation is already technically as deadly as the invasion was and we are still only…