Category: long story short
Protect, restore, celebrate
They got her title wrong and gave her credit for some things that should have gone to her coworker, but the Sunday Chronicle’s article on the Bay Trail, BAY TRAIL ADVENTURE / Tramping East Bay to the Bay Bridge, featured some extensive quotations from B: Out in the grass, Briggs Nisbet and her crew bent…
Keep your eye on that yellowcake
Matthew Yglesias asks even if the documents purporting to show that Saddam tried to purchase uranium in Niger in the last five years were forged, shouldn’t we still be worried about who else might take an interest in obtaining that yellowcake stuff?
al-Qaeda Who?
CalPundit sums up a few more speedbumps on Bush’s road to reelection (Shit, Meet Fan), the 9-11 Report’s implication of no link between Iraq and al-Qaeda and a shitstorm brewing between the CIA and the neocons in the White House. Me, I’m trying to put together a political blogroll for this site. So far I’ve…
The incredible shifting blame
Kos sees confusion in the White House’s constantly shifting blame for the 16 little words: Except I thought that was supposed to be Tenet’s fault. But then it wasn’t Tenet. So it was Hadley. Case closed! Except … wouldn’t Rice have responsibility for reviewing her deputy’s work? I mean, we’re talking SOTU here. And let’s…
Noticing Oliver
The Boston Globe has published an article (‘Blogs’ shake the political discourse), in which Oliver Willis’ outsized influence is noted: But he has a political platform of his own, a website called, which he runs from his sparsely furnished apartment in Dedham. And when he posted an essay there, promoting former Vermont governor Howard…
The noose tightens
I suspect that U.S. and allied forces must be closing in Saddam himself, given the cornering and destruction of his sons. No matter how reptilian Saddam may be personally, it’s hard to imagine him keeping his morale up after this, despite the apparent marginal success of the Stalingrad tactic (which Bill Safire recently all but…