Category: long story short
Bush lied, right-wing pundits cried
Adam Felber has a funny take on the spin or antispin from the comfort-the-comfortable sector of punditry online and off about Yellowcakegate in Bush Camp: Nothing to See Here, Folks, contrasting that with the feeding frenzy from the left (oh, and from the Democrats): My treasonous colleagues and I are sputtering with outrage. And they…
Stirring the hornet’s nest
Maybe the Republicans shouldn’t have questioned war hero Max Cleland’s patriotism. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, whose panel he sits on, recently elicited this analysis from a professor at the Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies in Singapore: Iraq war may have made terror threat worse.
About the new name
Someone, I’ll have to look it up,* in the last century called politics “the art of the possible.” I want to focus on positive things that can be done or addressed, and not a project of demonizing 50% or more of America for being selfish or deluded or whatever. If anyone is deluded it’s the…
Bite Media moving to Movable Type
As soon as the import is done, this site will have comments, trackbacks, and other groovy MT features. The URL may change too, but if so there’ll be a redirect and no backward-breakage.
Purfuit of Hapinefs
Sun, sea, salt and sand cured what ailed me today, out at Rodeo beach near the Marin Headlands. The weather cooperated. I even got my feet in the water. Good food, good companionship, good wine. Hours dozing with a hat shading my eyes. Birds overhead waiting to pick up after our picnic. It’s good to…
Buzzing New York
Hey, I’m headed to New York next week (after the 4th of July holiday). I arrive on Wednesday, July 9 and I’m returning to Oakland late on Wednesday, July 16. Before then, I have some brutal deadlines. While in New York I’ll do some work (mostly reviewing manuscript for my current book project and meeting…