Category: long story short

  • Appointment in Samarra

    I was thrilled to hear that seven of our U.S. prisoners of war were rescued near Tikrit. I had been dreading the worst for them. (NY Times login: mediajunkie, password: mediajunkie)

  • Weird cold

    Well, the stress of gearing up for the conference and then running through the whole thing on not enough sleep and too much drinking has left me with a nasty little cold. Like so many it started out with a sore throat but now this one has gotten kind of especially unpleasant. For some reason…

  • On the Waterfront

    Most years we hold the annual Waterside publishing conference in San Diego’s Mission Bay, but this year we are holding it near East Shore State Park in Berkeley. Author, consultant, entrepreneur (and author of ‘elm’) Dave Taylor, attending the conference, took a walk along the waterfront this morning and posted some observations about this “lovely…

  • IM status seen today

    Spotted this IM status message from the environs of Chaif consulting today: YANKEES MAGIC NUMBER – 156

  • Writer, killed in war, eulogized

    Ken Layne has got Michael Kelly‘s back, with links to other remembrances.

  • Almost ready for TiVo

    Screwed up taping the first half of Daniel Deronda Sunday night. These VHS tapes hold so little at the high-quality speeds. Juggling the incoming TV stream is becoming unmanageable. So far I’ve managed to avoid cable except when I was rooting for Jerry Brown on the road to the whitehouse in ’91 and ’92. Now,…