Category: long story short

  • The emperor’s new subcontract

    I know this war can’t be about control of oil, and we’re supposed to look past Dick Cheney’s revolving-door history from first gulf war to Halliburton, where his contacts in the gulf came in somewhat handy, back into the government in time fo rthe next gulf war and hey, look, if it isn’t ol’ Halliburton…

  • On profiling and collective punishment

    Oliver Willis objectively supports rounding up Bon Jovi fans.

  • American casualties

    CNN is maintaining a page listing all available information about U.S. casualties in the ongoing Iraq war. [via Virginia Postrel]

  • Circular dialogue on war in Iraq

    A little late in the game, I find a link to Cronus Connections’ A Warmonger Educates a Peacenik. Will Instapundit be linking to this (or has he already)? I wonder. An excerpt: Peacenik: Why are we invading Iraq? Warmonger: For the last time, we are invading Iraq because the world has called on Saddam Hussein…

  • Standing on the verge of… ?

    Another e-mail tip leads to this graffito response to a “United We Stand” decal.

  • After Gil Scott-Heron

    Or, as my friend Non likes to call him, Lung Scott-Egret (or the variant B and I like: Lung Pict-Egret). From the UC Berkeley J-School’s intellectual property weblog comes Revolution is not an AOL keyword.