Category: long story short

  • Slip of the tongue?

    Soundbite at the top of the Lehrer show today quotes W. warning Iraqi line officers from obeying commands to use biological or chemical weapons again us (just as last time they were warned and they apparently refrained from doing so — whether we poisoned our own troops with experimental prophylaxis is another question). Bush warns…

  • Irish Catholics have long memories

    I’m sure an unnamed political advisor from the previous Bush administration is regretting his loose lips many years ago when he confessed to Maureen Dowd that his boss was surprised to find a person with her background covering the White House for the New York Times. The op-ed (deadly serious, as opposed to her frequently…

  • North Korea: What did they know and when did they know it?

    Joshua Marshall has been burning up the wires lately at his Talking Points Memo blog site, holding the administration’s feet to the fire on their utterly failed policies toward North Korea. TPM’s recent post on the subject goes to the heart of the question of how long the Bush folks have been sitting on certain…

  • Deadline city

    Once again I am into the thick of a new project, coauthoring a technical book. As is often the case, I can’t discuss the title or topic in public just yet, but of course I will do so as soon as I can. In the meantime, I expect my blogging to either drop off (as…

  • Protesters chant 'Save the shire'

    Scot Hacker has posted a series of photos from the antiwar protest in S.F. yesterday. Great images. A fine contrast to the sourmouthing coming from the pro-war crowd. I didn’t attend. B wanted to bring a sign saying “No Bush War on the Environment” but we didn’t have it together. Let the tea-leaf readers interpret…

  • So it's tuff-tee, eh?

    I always wondered how to pronounce Tufte. (Thanks to for the pointer.)