Category: Music
Edwards writing blog entries
Reading John Robb, I saw that John Edwards is now posting some entries directly to his campaign blog. No links out (not suprising) and mostly cat-blogging type diary stuff, but it’s a start.
Ween at the Greek this Friday
Note to self: get Ween tickets today. Note to self, the second: Sit far enough from the stage to avoid the Poopship Destroyer, if they’ve got it on this tour.
eat tomatoes become butterfly
Milestones like gallstones
These are the days of our lives. Today I reached the 100% submission milestone on one of the most difficult writing projects of my life. I kept getting “nearly” done and then I’d be stuck again rolling a rock up a hill. This last piece, an appendix, took me at least three or four weeks…
ex cathedra
Sidewalk Closed Use Path
Craig and admirers
WOW party at Seybold SF
My main server down again
I love owning my own server and hosting my own site. Most of the time I love my co-location arrangement too, by which my friend and sysadmin manages the site and keep it humming. The downside of all this is that the server (a reconditioned Linux box) is located in New York while I am…
Democratic party weblog
The Democratic National Committee has started a blog called Kicking Ass at the site. I guess it beats faxing the talking points around, and I like the way they’ve jumped in with both feet. There’s no calendar or forward-and-back links from individually archived entries, so I can’t tell when the first post was. Most…
I cried tonight
I was watching the Frontline documentary on how 9/11 impacted the religious faith of various people involved either directly (such as those who lost loved ones) or indirectly (the rest of us who were terrified by the diabolical spectacle) when a Conservative rabbi started singing a text with the intonations of a cantor, as if…
Bomb threat at Moscone
Well, I was sitting next to Ross Mayfield and across from Tim Bray in the speaker’s lounge at Seybold when they told us that a bomb threat had been called in to Moscone North and South (where the Oracle conference is taking place) so just to be safe they asked us to evacuate Moscone West…
Warren Zevon, R.I.P.
Warren Zevon died Sunday, September 7, at the untimely age of 56. You know one of the things I most admire about the guy is that when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer the first thing he did was hit the studio and record a new fucking album. The man who wrote “I’ll Sleep When…
Profile of Dean's blogger-in-chief
This article (A hired gun who muses with fingertips) profiles Matt Gross, who first proposed to the Dean campaign that they should enliven their official web presence with a weblog. Incidentally, the Dean campaign if looking for a sysadmin (with a well specified skillset) willing to move to Burlington, VT, and work long hours…
Very, very greasy
David Lindley’s ’80s band El Rayo-X reunited recently for some shows and I saw them play last night at the Fillmore with Michael Z. and Suki. What a great show! So many highlight, I’m not sure where to start. Perhaps the biggest crowd pleaser was “She Took Off My Romeo” during which Lindley had the…
Yowza! (temblor)
I just bolted off the couch when a very sudden sharp earthquake (rather vertical in its motion) flashed through our house. It was followed by some rapid juddering that shook the chandelier. Apparenlty it was about a 5.0 (felt like more) and centered near Piedmont (no wonder, that’s just a mile or so from here).…
The dream plus 40 years
I Have a Dream, “the last great city-on-the-hill vision of America that we’ve received.”
Clouds, reflections, and robots
I just posted a photo album called Robots over at TypePad. It starts from downtown Oakland where I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of clouds. Longtime readers will know I find the sky endlessly amazing, especially out here at the western edge of things. On BART, the reflections from the door windows likewise drew me…
Transmigration of the memes
For a while I’ve been posting trendy idea-oids and “news of the weird”-type links-with-commentary to Meme List. This was meant to be a stake in the sand for a MemeWatch site where we’d do fun GoogleHack kind of tricks to track the rise and fall of phrases like “six degrees of Kevin Bacon” and so…