Category: Music
carry that water of love to me
Got on a Dire Straits kick recently and started teaching myself to play “Water of Love,” one of their first hits. Here is a sort demo mixdown of a draft arrangement (experimenting with a new way to embed audio):
Take the Skinheads Bowling – first solo acoustic uke take
Bertha trainwreck
Bertha trainwreck by Christian Crumlish & co.
Water of Love – solo acoustic uke version – no overdub proof of concept – take one
Source: Youtube
Water of Love – working up an overdub arrangement – solidbody electric uke – looper – microamp
Source: Youtube
Bird Song – lunch break jam
Source: Youtube
Effervescing Rolandamp
Source: Youtube
Powderfinger – quick lectric fuzz take
Source: Youtube
Bertha – slowly but surely
Source: Youtube
Creampuff Trainwreck
Source: Youtube
Bertha – still working out the kinks – but raucous
Source: Youtube
I know a little something
Before applying the electrodes to the heart of the typewriter yesterday my last post here was about an experiment I started last July of posting videos of myself playing and singing songs to YouTube. That’s really where my “blogging” energy has been since then, as I have built of quite a body of performances. It’s…
Must-share flotsam: Dylan and the Band live
For your listening pleasure, this Bob Dylan and The Band 1969-1970 Compilation DVD:
stump the chumps
what’s the difference between a duck? – Wolfram|Alpha Originally uploaded by xian ok – trick questions are no fair, but hire someone with a sense of humor and load it up with snappy answers, yo.
When it comes to thinking, bigger really is better
Michael Port, author of a number of bestselling sales-guru business books, has now come out with a pocket volume called The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Can’t Change Your Life (and the World?) Think Again. I like the arresting graphic design of the book (a publicist sent me an advance copy) but was somewhat wary…