Category: Music

  • Google Search: navel gazing

    Doing my homework (reading blog reviews of Rebecca Blood’s weblog handbook), I encountered Cruftbox passing off a disgression as “navel gazing.” Having just titled a recent post with that phrase, I went into memewatching mode and decided to Google it. Lo and behold, a table of contents from Enterzone was on the first page of…

  • Radio Question: Upstream to /www/images?

    Experimenting with a new design, a kind of bastard stepchild CSS/tables monstrosity. Anyway, I can’t seem to get the jpg to upstream into the /www/images/ directory. Do I have to put all my art in myPictures? Things need padding, and I have to learn how clearing and floating works to get better at placing CSS…

  • "Another list that starts with toilet paper" (after June Jordan)

    Found art? Reality programming? Pop anthropology? You make the call.

  • Instant parody: History of Michael Jackson's Face

    The History of David Weinberger’s Face

  • biker magazine ads from the early 80s

    Get one fer yer favorite bitch

  • More Loaded Pilots reports that Mesa Airlines fired a pilot who tested positive for drinking: The incident follows two other cases involving commercial pilots allegedly drinking before flying.

  • Lawrence Lessig's Copyright Talk

    I finally got around to playing back Lawrence Lessig’s copyright talk from the Open Source conference, following a pointer from bOingbOing. Cory is right. It’s a great talk, well honed, and one of the best slide decks of that type that I’ve ever seen. Not sure why I like it so much. Anyway, he says…

  • Keyboard for Those on the Move

    In one of my (ironically, typo-laden) earliest entries in this blog I discussed the difference between typing and writing, and the fact that I write with my left hand but type with both. The New York Times today covers a patent for a one-handed “stealth keyboard” that is more like a glove and a cylindrical…

  • The 2002 5K Award Winners Announced

    I must have been asleep at the switch, because announced its 2002 winners (finally) on Wednesday.

  • That's 'Swami' to You

    From From the United Airlines Mileage Plus signup web page, a fantastic list of possible “titles” – name prefixes in a pull down menu: Note: I removed the form element, because it was breaking Radio’s aggregator, losing me at least one subscriber! Here are the titles listed in the pull-down menu (which you can…

  • Wired at Sea

    To warchalking now add seachalking.

  • French Pentagon Conspiracy Theory

    While I’m not a big fan of conspiracy theories, the images do raise questions and deserve, at least, a debunking.

  • Old Grove Street Street

    There was a street in Berkeley called Grove. It’s name was later changed to Martin Luther King Boulevard. Some time after that the city posted a sign labeling the street “Old Grove Street.” Subsequently, people would refer to the street that way, which made B and I joke that it was eventually going to be…

  • Librarian worship

    Why you should fall to your knees and worship a librarian

  • AOL Discovers that Users Hate Pop-up Ads

    In yesterdays New York Times, an article on AOL’s management shakeup reported that AOL discovered its membership was fleeing in the face of increased pop-up ads: A study showed that when the number of pop-up ads was cut in half for a group of members, their satisfaction improved notably. That led not only to a…

  • e-Coffee: Spend 25c to Save 5 min.?

    The Business Section of the the Rocky Mountain News has an article on Starbuck’s new experiment with online ordering in advance: In this latest version of clicks-and-bricks retail, customers order through the Internet or a cell phone, and in five minutes, their coffee’s ready at checkout. Charged to a pre-arranged credit card number, the drinks…

  • May the Best Meme Win

    Adbusters: Meme Warfare

  • Listing Categories with an Entry?

    How do I include a list of the categories associated with each entry?

  • How Do I Delete a Category

    How do I delete a category in Radio?

  • How Do I Make a Link to the Previous Day or Post at Bottom of Home Page?

    One Movable Type feature I really like is the back and forward links built into the standard template. Since I generally have many posts per day, I’m only showing three days right now on my home page. I’d like it if at the bottom of the page there were always a link to the previous…

  • Media Junkie Update

    New at Junk Mail since the last update here: A prescient blast from the past (The Onion on Bush’s inaugural) Bill Moyers defends his ethics and NOW Salon wonders if Harken will become W.’s Whitewater Possible U.S. coverup of Afghan wedding disaster SEC never “exonerated” Bush Salon Blog: Bush Impeachment Countdown Talking Points Memo on…