Category: Music

  • Blogging from Flock

    This is a test post from Flock. So far, so cool.

  • The inquiring enquirer asks

    When, exactly, did ‘nads become nards?

  • Go see Cecil next week!

    Next Tuesday night (October 18th), Cecil aka Dan aka Cecil will be reading various poems and poem-like shtick at C’era Una Volta, located in the heart of The Island City (aka Alameda). Says Dan^H^H^HCecil: They’re even being nice enough to provide free appetizers, for reasons I can’t quite figure out. So maybe I just dreamt…

  • New Orleans will rise again

    I even think there will be a Mardi Gras, but this is some good news (from The Times-Picayune): The 2006 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival will go on by Zack Smith “There will be a Jazzfest. We are committed to putting on the 2006 Jazz and Heritage Festival, whatever that may take,” said Quint…

  • Charlie Parker jams

    Driving back to my office on 101 North from Santa Clara I hit the button for KCSM and caught most of “Jam Blues” by Charlie Parker and an all-star crew. I’m going to have to get me that record. It was a perfect California moment, sailing up the freeway with Bird blowing in my ear.…

  • Escalation

    If only my minor email lossage of the last week had been the end of the story, but through superior advanced dimwittedness, I managed to lost my entire personal computer archive (email, desktop wiki notes, and all documents) since roughly December of last year. It feels a bit like having a house burn down. You…