Category: Music

  • links for 2007-07-18

    Impression formation in blogging communities | Orient Lodge aldon’s been on a tear lately, analyzing social networks, public identity, mybloglog and so on (tags: recommendations reputation identity mybloglog presence) Managing online identities | Orient Lodge the perennial problem of managing proliferating online identities examined (tags: identity openid foaf presence) 20 Ways To Aggregate Your Social…

  • Multitouch OS X video iPod coming?

    AppleInsider | Multi-touch video iPods to arrive in August – report: >During a private meeting last month, Apple’s traditionally tight-lipped chief executive Steve Jobs all but broke the silence on the future of the video iPod. Speaking to employees at the Apple Town Hall, he said a division of the company was hard at work…

  • links for 2007-07-11

    The Conversational Sketching Toolkit / nForm / Blog Another gift to the UX community from Jess McMullin and nform: “I call our approach conversational sketching, because the point isn’t to draw the solution, it’s to give people a tool to talk about their needs and perspective.” (tags: stakeholders design ia sketching conversationalsketching techniques templates stencils…

  • links for 2007-07-03

    Comment Challenge plugin: Download, installation and configuration maybe this will help stop the spam (tags: blog blogging blogs movabletype mt plugins spam plugin reference) Excluding Categories in Movable Type want to move my delicious links out of the main stream of the blog (antikottke) (tags: blog blogging mt movabletype categories plugin plugins reference) scriptygoddess »…

  • links for 2007-07-01

    Stop Motion Drums and Piano Video (tags: music video digitalediting clipaday drums piano) Kid Zeppelin Video kid’s gonna rock for real some day – we have no excuse not to (tags: music guitar video kid cool) south by southwest festivals + conferences SXSW podcast: Every Breath You Take: Identity, Attention, Presence and Reputation (tags: identity…

  • links for 2007-06-30

    Designer//Slash//Model design *can* change the world (tags: design digital video funny humor fashion motion graphic)

  • links for 2007-06-28

    seanbonner: Do I really need another inbox? reference for ‘plays well with email’ blog post i’m never finishing (tags: email yasns)

  • links for 2007-06-24

    sarahcpr » Blog Archive » Collaborative Micro-filtering sarahcpr is on fire! (tags: community collaboration context interesting myspace facebook visualization socialnetworks socialnetworking social recommendations microfiltering collabrativemicrofiltering)

  • links for 2007-06-20

    Hey Norton! – Ken Norton’s blog – How do we overcome our tagging interface challenges? the perennial tag-delimiter problem discussion (tags: tags tagging delimiters)

  • links for 2007-06-19

    Adactio: Journal – Hackfight reputation battles (tags: reputation lifestream game hack hacks hackday) Adactio: Journal – Streaming my life away adactio n lifestreams (tags: aggregator lifestream mashup web2.0 feeds rss)

  • links for 2007-06-17

    Laughing Squid :: Freakshow, Honest Reviews of Web 2.0 Websites anonymous gossip rag (tags: anonymous gossip rag web2.0 laughingsquid) Freakshow likewise (tags: blog laughingsquid review web2.0 weblogs anonymous gossip rag) dog or higher: WebPatterns and WebSemantics John Allsopp’s important 2005 essay on web patterns (tags: webpatterns 2005 allsopp design-patterns designpatterns patterns webdesign semantic) WebPatterns John…

  • links for 2007-06-13 Killer Mac OS X apps for 2007 Marc Andreessen’s (did I spell that right) picks… a few there that are new to me (like 1001) (tags: 2007 applications apps list lists mac tools osx software review tips) Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming ya software design pattern languagep (tags: patterns design-patterns designpatterns programming reference) Generative…

  • I'm interviewing Nicholas Meriwether

    Over on the Well, in the public Inkwell topic, I’m interviewing my pal Nick Meriwether about his new book, All Graceful Instruments: The Contexts of the Grateful Dead, a scholarly work looking at the Dead phenomenon from a variety of perspectives. You can submit questions to this interview by mailing them to inkwell AT well…

  • links for 2007-06-12

    Oracle AppsLab :: About Oracle AppsLab is a think-tank developed to drive adoption of new web patterns and technologies across Oracle’s business and products. We’re a small group dedicated to living and breathing Web 2.0. This blog is our space for sharing our ideas. (tags: oracle applications patterns pedrazzi blog apps)

  • links for 2007-06-10

    Invading Our Own Privacy same theme as “Every Breath You Take” (spying on ourselves) (tags: presence identity reputation privacy social technology)

  • links for 2007-05-31

    Sender 11: Case Study and discussion (tags: mobile patterns casestudy design interface interaction)

  • links for 2007-05-25 write up of the ’96-’97 Barbie censorship battle, in which I played a minor part (tags: barbie mattel censorship memes napier distortedbarbie detritus enterzone ezone)

  • links for 2007-05-24

    Stuck Between Stations » Global Warming Threatens Arctic Monkeys the sun never sets on England now (tags: music writing humor climatechange)

  • Fraidy is a lolcat now

  • links for 2007-05-23

    cecil vortex: An Interview with Ze Frank one of a great series of interviews (tags: article creativity ideas inspiration interesting interview music zefrank)

  • links for 2007-05-17

    Game design patterns ya pattern library (tags: designpatterns design development game games patterns programming gamedesign)