Category: Musicology
links for 2007-05-25 write up of the ’96-’97 Barbie censorship battle, in which I played a minor part (tags: barbie mattel censorship memes napier distortedbarbie detritus enterzone ezone)
links for 2007-05-24
Stuck Between Stations » Global Warming Threatens Arctic Monkeys the sun never sets on England now (tags: music writing humor climatechange)
Fraidy is a lolcat now
links for 2007-05-23
cecil vortex: An Interview with Ze Frank one of a great series of interviews (tags: article creativity ideas inspiration interesting interview music zefrank)
links for 2007-05-17
Game design patterns ya pattern library (tags: designpatterns design development game games patterns programming gamedesign)
links for 2007-05-08
Everything Yahoo! Most Yahoo properties (although Teachers isn’t there) (tags: internet lists yahoo tools services reference web list)