Category: Chanson

  • Before I ever wrote a real song

    Before I ever wrote a real song

    A live take of “Sham Song” from September 9:

  • Palette nearly full

    Palette nearly full

    At this point we may have recorded all of the instrumental parts. I mean, we reserve the right to add a trombone here or a french horn there, maybe a synth part, etc., but for now we have got all the instruments recorded according to the current plan. Next month we’ll work on backing and…

  • Why I use a chamois

    Why I use a chamois

    So a lot have been going on. Usually I rush over here breathless with excitement about my latest recording session but now I’m in catch-up mode again. Back in October I took off a long weekend for my birthday, and on that Friday went to Megasonic to record “Sham Song” (also known as “Chanson”). After…

  • Chanson

    Yes, I drink champagne Because I never feel real pain