Category: Songs for Beginners
Effervescing Elephant (Take 6)
Another reference track, a uke-and-voice take of EE. (Separate rhythm and vocal tracks available for anyone who wants to mess with them.)
The Yeah Yeah Song (Take 3)
I’m starting to work out a bridge and even some finger-picking ideas for the verses of this song. I’m refining the lyrics and haev some thoughts for lyrics for the bridge as well. This take starts off as a straight rhythm-uke reading of the first verse and a clumsy finger-picked take of the second, before…
Postcartesian Metaphysical Home[sic] Blues
Not knowing the real words to the Wesley-esque hymn transmitted to me through John Fahey’s Skip James-loving hands, I’ve made up some postcartesian lyrics of my own. Here’s a reference vocal take of all the verses.
No Outside
Cecil found the chords underlying my vocal, and has developed them in a new direction. I am having trouble matching his time (swing, swing) but it’s fun trying on this take of No Outside.
Or Outside
Cecil put his moneymaker where his If Jesus were an a capella song about himself, I’d like to think this is the song he’d be is.
Fire on the Mountain (Churchbells Softly Chime mix, take 2)
What I really want to know is this: Is this Churchbells Softly Chime remix (about 7 megs as MP3 – it was closer to 50 megs as an AIF) an improvement over the previous take or not?
In X
Here’s a vocal in search of some instrumental accompaniment in the obligatory MP3 as well as the (possibly more Cakewalk friendly?) AIFF format.
Fire on the Mountain (getting there)
Accidentally wiped some vocals, but the mix is getting better (I think).
Fire on the Mountain (distorted, still incomplete)
When in doubt, hide time and rhythm errors with special effects!
Fire on the Mountain (a work in progress)
Fire on the Mountain, some basic tracks. How do I speed up my slow pickin’ in GarageBand?
Effervescing Elephant (take 5)
The insider outsider take (take 4 was the outsider insider take)
Effervescing Elephant (take 4)
Now, with microphone and multitrack…
Remix Nightmare (Land of Toil and Bluff bounce in D, edit)
Clipped off the bass loops at the end and started the vocal a little more into the track.
Remix Nightmare (Land of Toil and Bluff bounce in D, Unedited take)
Remix Nightmare (Land of Toil and Bluff bounce mix in D)
The Yeah Yeah Song
I wrote a pretty simple song on my ukulele today. I still can’t play for shit, but tapping into the magic of chord patterns is just too fun. It goes (basically) G C G C7 D Em A C and back to G again. I was so thrilled that I called up Cecil Vortex and…
Effervescing Elephant (take 3)
in which I remember the chords a bit better but still to no avail
Effervescing Elephant (take 2)
In which I try to remember to keep strumming
Effervescing Elephant (take 1)
one day i will be able to play this
Uncle John's Band (take 2)
choppy and sad
Uncle John's Band (take 1)
if gumption was horses, this beggar would ride