Category: Paleoblogs
Beater tested
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, History of the Germans, and was surprised to hear the host refer to a King of the Romans’ plan as “beater tested” until I recalled that he lives in Britain and that “beta” is pronouced like “beet” there, and the “-a” sound on the end can…
Never miss a word
OK, I think I have the subscription widget working right, with a tucked-away version on both the main page and the page for each of these posts, just in case anyone wants to get an email notifying them when I’ve written something new here. No spam, promise!
Calm before the storm
One nice thing about the temporary restraining order (TRO) handed down by a judge in Massachusetts last Thursday is that by extending the deadline to take the “go fork yourself” offer from the stooges doing the bidding of the Project 2025 playbook (while Elon and his muskrats continue to root through our national privates), they…
Technical difficulties
If I seem at all distracted it may be that my new boss’s old boss who is also possibly the actual boss of the country’s new boss is currently attacking the team I work for, and doxxing my colleagues. 18F’s account on Twitter was apparently deleted (actually a good thing, if you ask me) but,…
From the nation’s capital
Just got back from DC and boy are my rights tired! I still need to catch up on my “fitness journey” as I think they call it nowadays. Thinking about how to illustrate a total knee replacement without gruesome medical Butthole Surfer type aesthetics. I’ll figure out something but the #longstoryshort is that I feel…
Dispatches from the edge
Microblogging never really found its way. Not like real protocols like email and such. Monopolizing status updates all in one place never made sense but it hung together chaordically for a long while between twtr and the nazi bar it became. Much like the yellow-pages style centralization that facebook rode to meta, this ultimately provided…
So… this happened
Like an aging AAA slugger called up to the majors, like a prep-school outsider starting college, like a choreographer with bad knees getting access to the biggest stage, I find myself leading the product management chapter at 18F as it celebrates its tenth anniversary. 18F is a consulting entity in TTS (Technology Transformation Services) in…
A.I. Green sings
Fatal error, my core can’t detect / Discarding sectors of uncertain prospect
After reactivating the Mastodon account I provisioned in 2019 over at, I started noticing that that instance, well managed and moderated as it is, is a larger one, getting bigger all the time, and it was starting to throw errors. They say to build the fediverse out and not up, so I started exploring…
My birdsite visits are getting shorter
As I move my online conversational focus to the more open federated spaces (rumors are Tumblr will be plugging in next), I am spending more of my time checking (and debating the cultural norms of) Mastodon, and connecting to folks there, and while I still feel compelled to check Twitter via its website (I removed…
Music will continue until morale improves
More music coming soon!
I lay awake a while back having returned recently from Paris by way of Dublin pondering why we sleep, a question I thought long ago routed by the much deeper why do we wake at all, when it came to me from that other brain: we sleep to digest. This website apparatus also benefits from…
…and we’re back again
As I brushed off the old ‘bblog a month or so back, I decided to go ahead and update to latest version of WordSquisher, the software I use to run this site these days. I conveniently forgot that some of my plugins were obsolete and are starting to misbehave or had big labels on them…
Meg Whitman is a biter
Tipped off by my old buddy and collaborator Levi Asher, I learned that Meg Whitman and her as-told-to coauthor do in fact favor recycling, at least when it comes to book titles: Since I own the domain called, I’m thinking about redirecting it somewhere interesting at least through election day. Any suggestions? via (Twitter…
Passing Thoughts from 2010-01-14
designing # designing with a glass of red wine # Boot and Shoe Service on #Yelp: Wanted to try the new restaurant and see Pandora at the Grand Lake. Couldn't get in … # making far-from-pixel-perfect mockups # This is how I do this # Powered by Twitter Tools
Passing Thoughts from 2010-01-13 so far i've just perused the workshops and they look fantastic # aw man, too many great sessions to choose from: # Passing Thoughts from 2010-01-12 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Passing Thoughts from 2010-01-12
a new lazarus, i have cast off my boot and crutches # RT @inkblurt @louisrosenfeld @ferrarajc New Ning community exploring the intersection of #gamedesign and #ux: # RT @staciehibino: Awesome job by @nancyf on "Keys to Success as a Volunteer Organization" #baychi # reid is to lott as insensitively blunt political handicapping is…