Category: bodega
Battery Power Low
If not plugged in, this brain will go to sleep in a few minutes to preserve the contents of memory
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
Finally got a chance to see the complete cut of “The Saragossa Manuscript” on DVD on Sunday, a beautiful twisted black-and-white film from 1965 by a Polish director based on an 18th century novel by a Polish count in French about a manuscript in Spain and roughly eight to thirteen levels of stories-within-stories, depending on…
Every day is Earth Day
Been on this planet so long I’ve started to take it for granted. Sitting out in the backyard this past weekend, trying to get over this hacking cold, trying not to think about the remaining deadlines on my book, trying to get organized for our trip to New Orleans, admiring the roses blooming all around…
Officially Spring
My hammock is up.
Empty Cup (Only Love Can Fill)
thinks get crystal clear in the crucible. why we seek out the edge? let holes be holes. remember wittgenstein’s bootprints in the snow, that soldier he was cruising? the hole fills itself, it is the ability to be filled that is the hole.
I Am Who IM
xian: boo hoo – i feel crummy b: i’m sorry, baby–did you get your medication? xian: yes, finally, and the bleach xian: how are you feeling? b: are you in for the day now? xian: i think so, yes. xian: just keeping up with my work will keep me busy at least till you get…
Think I've Seen This One Before
Let’s see: deadlines, stress, worries, complications, long hours, making the deadlines, vacation coming. What does that all add up to? Why, a sinus cold, of course! Sudden onset, streaming last evening, sore and achy last night, medicated today and plodding on, one last deadline to make Friday. Hoping this thing plays out before Wednesday when…
Listening Music, Background Music, and Defensive Music
So often I put music on and then go on to do other things: write, work, clean, organize—anything that doesn’t require talking or listening to speech, really. This is so different from putting on (or going to) music and really listening to it. In the latter case, the music is your primary focus of attention.…
There Goes the Sun
A few days ago it was so hot by midday that I couldn’t sit out back writing because the keys on my Mac were too hot to touch, and the fan was whirring so loudly I thought the whole titanium chassis was going to lift off the table into the air. Today I can’t go…
What's The Other Thing I'm Doing?
Actually overhead myself mumbling that to myself as I poked around my computer. What a symptom! Always doing too many things at once. Always thinking about what else is to be done. Rarely focusing or paying attention to what I’m doing right now. Reminds me of the story about the Zen monk asked to describe…
Fraidy dragged in another tattered butterfly (yellow and black mostly) and left it fluttering on the kitchen floor the other day. As I’ve done before, I maneuvered it out the window without trying to brush its delicate wings. When I last saw it, it was clinging to a branch. I doubt they can survive long…
What Are You Doing Here?
The look she gave me was like I had just embarrassed her at her office. The cat slunk by, prowling in the shadows along the deck, not playful at all. No response but condscension to my cloth-monkey attempts at cat talking. What was I doing out there? Lying, crushing dried pedals in a sun-soaked reverie,…
prophets and laws
gathering together Open Publishing’s books for the past year. it got much easier to do the accounting for my small business after i stopped using my personal checking account for it. got 12 other pressing things on my to-do list, but life seems to be easing up a little. i smell the light at the…
Saying "Infer" When They Mean "Imply"
I’ve noticed this error twice on the radio in the last few days. What is so confusing about imply vs. infer? I imply something when I speak, meaning I suggest it but don’t come right out and say something. You infer something when you listen, meaning you interpret something that I did not come right…
OK, here's the name game for "Bodega"
You are strong and sensitive…. Bodega The name of Bodega has given you an appreciation for many beautiful and refined aspects of life–music and art, literature, drama–and the outdoors, where you find much peace and relaxation, but it creates a far too sensitive nature. You sense and feel much that you do not understand, and…
Super Elastic Bubble Plastic
Suddenly remembered this evening this brand name of some tv thing I wanted real bad at some point as a kid. Never got it. What the hell is it? :. A propos of nothing, I hear that in the future there will be no more tombs of the unknown soldier, sailors, marine, merchant marine, coast…
Franzen Killed Oprah's Book Club
That’s my theory. File under memewatch (prototype) or mediajunkie (scaffolding), but it must have been the beginning of the end when she snubbed her. Why bother? I imagine her saying to herself. Watch the New York fame junkies whine as she takes her marbles out of the ring, hurles a thunderbolt.
Toasty Coffee
I’ve stopped putting the coffee in a thermos in the morning. I leave it on the burner, warming. Now, after switching cars to let B out of the driveway and sitting down to work I notice that smell of the small amount of coffee left, starting to brown a little further on the burner. Time…
When She Gets Home
The first thing she does is go downstairs out back. The cat follows her down. She’s got shoots to check on. She missed the weather all day. We are into the growing season. Snails and tiny slugs that live in the soil strip our beanlings of the leaves they need to transmute sunlight into growth…
That's Not a Real Flower
This is what I love about digital cameras. I see this amazing mosquito hawk-like insect in my bathroom, run to get my camera, and take these snapshots. A day later they’re cropped and compressed and ready to be posted. They’re not perfect. A few bled off the long legs or lost part of the image…
More Stowaways Inside Kazaa?
This makes me glad I’m behind the curve with music downloading: P2P network hidden in Kazaa downloads (ZDNet).