Category: bodega

  • Gender Advice for Aliens

    Just followed Mark Pasc’s link to the weird and wonderful The Top 10.25 Things Women (genders 1-2.5) Don’t Know About Men (genders 3-5) at Ftrain.

  • Radio vs. Blogger

    I don’t know about the 50-word challenge, but I’ve posted comparison between Radio Userland and Blogger to my Radio Free Blogistan Salon Blog.

  • Mirror, Mirror

    The tape of my appearance on that TV show the other week arrived today and I’m watching it now. Seeing myself on the tube is kind of strange. I don’t look like I think I do! x I’m now working on a comparison of Blogger and Radio Userland for my Radio Free Blogistan site. One…

  • Anyone Using

    I’ve been poking around this business networking site, Ryze. It seems kind of like sixdegrees, which I think I signed up for once and never went back to. If anyone I know is on it, we should hook up, so that we can expand our networks, right?

  • Shattered

    I have this kimono-type robe and, partly I think because I’m sleep deprived, I managed to tangle the wide armhole in the handle of the coffee carafe and pull it off the kitchen counter this morning. Too fast, but also in slow motion, the pot full of coffee full at my feet and shattered. I…

  • Info Beats Porn!

    Cool, my Radio Free Blogistan blog at Salon is now number 2 for the day, edging out the porno blog and sitting only behind Scott Rosenberg’s keystone blog that gets linked directly from Salon and is used to point to Salon’s blogs (and for Scott’s musings as well). I’m about No. 10 overall. Most of…

  • Number 5 with a Bullet

    OK, I’m a little obsessed about my new meta-blog over at Salon, Radio Free Blogistan. I’ve posted more discussion comparing Radio Userland and LiveJournal (with lots of excellent comments from contributing readers), some pointers to my media junk mail blog,* and a brief discussion of the types of blogs, from diaries to bookmarks and everything…

  • Tinker, Tiger, Hacker, Eli

    How embarasking! My alma mater caught breaking-and-entering electronically.

  • Ox Cold-Cocked by Rock

    It appears that the Who’s John Entwistle’s fatal heart attack was prompted by a large amount of cocaine.

  • Only His Pride was Injured

    I hate when this happens.

  • LJ versus Radio Userland in 50 Words

    LJ and Radio both provide community features (comments, views of system users). LiveJournal hosts content remotely. With Radio, your database resides locally, but posts are hosted remotely. Radio offers categories (unlike LiveJournal). Both enable RSS feeds. Radio comes with an RSS aggregator and a mirroring tool using the Blogger API.

  • Elephants, Yeah!

    Apparently, Pavarotti loves elephants (requires Flash).

  • Quit Smoking Weblog

    Fussing around with the news aggregation features of Radio Userland, I found the ubiquitous Dave Winer’s link to serialdeviant’s blog about quitting smoking. Naturally, this put me in mind of ‘s eloquent discussion of his own quitting process over the last few months.

  • I am an Uncle

    As of yesterday, I am a bio-uncle for the first time. My brother P’s wife S gave birth to twins! I’m about to burst a button. Can’t wait till I’m in New York next to actually “meet” them. x Working on a graphic image for my Radio Free Blogistan blog at Salon. I want to…

  • Just What I Need, Another Blog

    What do you get the bloggeur who has everything? How about yet another blog. Through the Well I heard about Salon’s new collaboration with Radio Userland, and since—heck—I’ve never tried that tool up to now, I saw what the heck. So I’ve started Radio Free Blogistan as a place to talk about the blogging phenomenon…

  • Half-Baked Political Stuff

    1900-1946: global struggle between three systems: violent, extreme, corrupt socialism to the left violent, extreme, corrupt nationalism to the right liberal democracy/republic/oligarchy in the middle we teamed up with the soviets and beat the nazis, so then it was 1946-1989: global struggle between two systems free-enterprise representative command-economy dictatorship but we kind of edged to…

  • The Uninvention of the Chair

    This shall be my mission in life. Let there be lolling about on comfortable divans, chaise longues, and sofas. Mattresses and futons will do in a pinch. Damn these thrones! It’s better down on the ground.

  • Ma, WebTV's on the Phone!

    It had to happen. The dark side of “convergence,” a WebTV virus is dialing 911, wasting cops’ time responding to false alarms, according to this TechTV article.

  • More Fuel for the Burn-Bush-in-Effigy Fire

    See here for a nice rundown on W.’s triangle of weaknesses: money, corruption, and oil. Enron still just a “business scandal,” a nonstory? Posting all my links here for now. When Blogger changed their server they seemed to have messed up my fireweaver, media junkmail, and other blogs. This may be the kick in the…

  • Fight Paranoia with Paranoia

    Mailman giving you the evil eye? Meter reader looking through your underwear drawer? Now there’s Operation TIPS-TIPS where you can report people you suspect are participating in the Operation TIPS.

  • What I Love About Artists

    They subvert technology to their perverted ends. Check out this Google art.