Category: 2006 Election

  • The Future Now

    I love the headline up on right now: Doesn’t this look just like one of those fantasy headlines of some more perfect world? You know — the kind we daydream about while listening to Nancy Grace drone on about the latest unsolved horror…? This one could only be better if the headline made mention…

  • It’s Morning in America

    for reals.

  • the golden grate

    Talk about diversity…here in the golden state we’ve managed to reach new heights of mixedness, all-over-the-mapness, and plain ol’ voter confusion as the results of the Caulifornia mid-term and governatorious elections illuminate the collective mind of the Left Coasters. We voted for a Republican Hollywood muscleman who lifted himself out of the political toilet by…

  • Congratulations, Jerry McNerney and staff!

    Victory is sweet. While other Democratic politicians in the state of California were making nice to Schwarzenegger, abandoning Angelides and risking the rest of the state ticket, an army of grassroots supporters, many of them veterans of the Dean insurgency, backed McNerney early and worked their hearts out to get him elected, upsetting the complacent…

  • Great article on McNerney’s race to unseat Pombo in CA-11 from the UK Independent

    The coverage in this article makes the McNerney-Pombo race seem like a bellwether. To me, this is the money quote: >He has put family members on his congressional payroll at salaries so high that two years ago they outstripped the entire campaign budget of his Democratic Party challenger. And now he is pushing to build…

  • What’s wrong with John Kerry?

    It wasn’t enough that he lost the 2004 election for us; now he wants to lose the 2006 election, too? Why on Earth would he open his mouth and give the Republicans a piece of red meat like this? Kerry says sorry for “botched joke” Johnny: Much respect for all you’ve done for your country.…

  • East Bay Exhortation Sensation: Phone Banking for Moveon.Org

    This is an offical, authenticated exhortation to East Bay folks everywhere. Well, East Bay folks in the East Bay. Short version: The last two nights I went to the MoveOn office in Oakland. These folks have their act together. It’s fun, easy, and unintimidating. You can volunteer any day, any time o’ day between 9…

  • For election junkies only

    Wondering if the Democrats are really about to take the House or if a dirty trick or surge of evangelical voters will deny them (ok, us) the majority? Keep an eye on the odds at Majority Watch. Think that people betting real money (ok, one dollar per share) have a better take on upcoming elections…

  • Chris Bowers’ Google Bomb

    Chris Bowers of has put together an excellent list of links to articles on various republican candidates. By having large #s of folks duplicate this list of links, the odds go up that when someone searches, for example, Pombo, their results will include this article. Never let it be said that I wouldn’t post…

  • Take election day off

    The Democratic Party is asking people to take election day off to do last minute get out the vote work – The Democratic Party | Take a Day Off for Democracy – an area where the Republicans traditionally beat us. I’m in.

  • Focus on Disney is playing their game

    I agree with k / o completely: >My impression of the pulse of the netroots is that all-Disney all-the-time has actually been a net negative. I’m sure GOP strategists are happy that netroots diarists are talking about Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright today and not vulnerable GOP incumbents. I wrote a piece yesterday on dKos…

  • Had enough?

    Enjoy this customized version of Have You Had Enough with Rickie Lee Jones and the Squirrel Nut Zippers (I think).

  • Day of Action to defeat Richard Pombo

    Just wanted to pass this along to Bay Area readers: DAY OF ACTION TO DEFEAT RICHARD POMBO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 10am Help defeat “One of the 13 Most Corrupt Members of Congress,” U.S. Rep. Richard Pombo (R-Tracy) this November by coming out Saturday, September 16 for a Day of Action to canvass and phone bank…

  • Precinct walking for Jerry McNerney

    Hi, This is a quick diary to relate the experience xian and I had today walking a San Ramon, CA precinct for Jerry McNerney. Short version: great experience, highly recommended. Lesson learned: even if (like me) you live in a deep blue district, there may well be a red(dish) district a short drive away. And…

  • Speaking of ‘Connecticut for Lieberman’

    Looks like his team forgot to register the domain: The Connecticut for Lieberman Party

  • Another tactical blunder by Lieberman

    Even if you grant that Lieberman should run in the general election as an independent (and I do not), shouldn’t he at least have taken a page from Jed Bartlett and Howard Dean and called his party-of-one “Lieberman for Connecticut” instead of the self-centered sounding “Connecticut for Lieberman”?