Category: Democrats
They laughed at Edison
And they laughed at Howard Dean’s 50-state strategy. Personally, I think its essential that the Democracts compete across the entire country and stop ceding entire regions to the Republicans. For one thing, Red State Democrats are some of the most dedicated supporters the party has. It’s *easy* to be a Democrat in San Francisco. It’s…
Let’s take South Dakota
Let the Libertarians take over New Hampshire (quickly, though – it’s trending Blue). Let the religious nuts have South Carolina (Nick, we’ll find another home for you). Let’s take over South Dakota (apparently, it’s not that hard to do).
Love the man, part two says Karl Rove Has Zero Cred on National Security and quotes my favorite straight shooter, Howard Dean: > Karl Rove only has a White House job and a security clearance because President Bush has refused to keep his promise to fire anyone involved in revealing the identity of an undercover CIA operative. Rove’s political…
It’s OK. Love the man.
If you’re a Democrat, whatever your feelings about Howard Dean, it’s hard to watch this sequence and not, at least momentarily, love the man. Go on. Watch this video. I double-Democrat-dare you not to love him.
what a lovely night to be a Democrat. I’m just sitting here, watching the proposition results come in over on the CA secretary of state’s site. And those two Ys have switched over to Ns. And we’ve got the floor all set up for a clean sweep. And there’s Virginia! What a great state, Virginia.…
My other adopted African child
I just agreed to give $10 every month to the Democratic National Committee. And now I feel like I’ve now got another adopted child out there in the Sudanese desert, going to a new school, hopefully. Getting wells put in for clean water. All of that. I hope they send me a picture as my…
He may be a loose cannon, but he’s our loose cannon
Hey, I actually agree that Dean should be more careful in how he phrases his outrageous statements, and that it’s not good that we’re talking about Dean instead of about Bush’s unpopularity or Republicans shutting down hearings on the Patriot act, but on the other hand it’s about time we had a tough-talking Democrat with…
Science and health vs. fanaticism
We know the Dems are playing defense. Part of what comes with that role is that you don’t get to set the agenda. You have to play each game with your eye on the scoreboard to see what everyone else is doing. You can’t just win – your opponents have to lose. They have to…
Scott Chacon for Congress
Here’s a candidate worth supporting: Chacon 2006 – Join the conversation. Scott is running in California’s 11th District, currently represented by the horrible Richard Pombo. Scott is taking only up to $100 from supporters and is running a very open campaign, with a blog and podcasts. Currently, he’s trying to raise money to go to…
The Pro-Life Party: Us, Goddammit!
“Are you pro-life or pro-choice?” “Yes.” That’s not an original “joke,” but it’s one that bears repeating. This morning on Democracy Now, Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez were interviewing a woman from NOW and a man from the Democratic Senatorial (?) Council about the latter group’s policy of encouraging pro-choice senatorial hopefuls to step aside…
California über Alles
Mark A. R. Kleiman proposes a nuclear option for the Democrats: changing the state constitution to elect a congressional delegation on a winner-take-all basis, take over the Congress, and elect Speaker Pelosi. Sounds cool, but what happens if other states do it too?
The Nation likes Dean
Now He Has the Power, writes John Nichols. As has often been the case, conventional wisdom on Howard Dean is dead wrong: The Washington-insider line on Dean was that he would be anathema to Democrats from “red” states like Kansas, where Kerry won only a single county. The reality was the opposite: Some of Dean’s…
Zack Exley’s advice to Dean
Zack Exley advises Howard Dean to use his e-bully pulpit to communicate directly to wired Democratic activists his first day on the job. p.s.: Pete I’m sorry but I accidentally allowed the URLs to be stripped from your comment on the previous post here. Please feel free to re-post them in a main entry.
MyDD :: Democratic party just committed suicide! This MyDD diarist points out that the conventional wisdom on Dean and what he stands for is dead wrong. This is good. The Democrats have to stop being so transparent with the media. Atrios has been pointing out that the Republicans have gotten in bed with media elites…
Beautiful losers
Fire the Consultants by Amy Sullivan at the WashMon asks the musical question, “Why do Democrats promote campaign advisors who lose races?”
Wishing the President Well
Gary Hart’s op-ed “The restoration of a mythical golden age” concludes by striking just the right balance between the degree of respect that any president is due ex officio and that which this president has actually earned: “Despite all this, people of goodwill must wish George Bush well and hope that his hubris will be…
Kerry health care petition
Kerry’s bringing a health-care-for-children bill to the senate this year and is looking to get folks to sign a petition in support. She is trying to get the best health methods from to the children. I did it and thought some of youse might be interested in giving it a look. Click here for…
What do Democrats stand for?
I suspect that we (Democrats) don’t have an organizing principle but instead a motley set of strongly felt ideals. Because of this, we are rarely able or willing to sacrifice specific issues because we don’t have a common goal (aside from opposing Republicans) that we are all willing to sacrifice to achieve. What is the…
What’s the vision?
I’m going to quote Jeff Jarvis at length below the fold. I disagree with him as often as I agree with him but I think he’s got a mouthful of something important in ‘Whose Values II?’ from his BuzzMachine blog. I’m not sure why he thinks Hillary Clinton would be a better candidate then the…
Arise and walk
A new Democratic party has been summoned into existence