Category: Edgewise

  • Will they ever forgive us?

    Grand Forks Herald | 12/06/2004 | COLUMNIST LLOYD OMDAHL : Honoring a Guardsman’s request (via Eschaton)

  • the fish must pay

    And so far, the fish owe the farmers of California $26 million for depriving them of their water rights during the drought years of 1992 to 1994, according to federal claims court judge, John Paul Wiese . Since fish don’t have bank accounts it’s the federal government that will have to pay. For depriving farmers…

  • Not surprisingly, blogging for the right pays better

    Bloggers paid to support Thune, oppose Daschle (Personal Democracy Forum)

  • gambling on your life

    Now that the referendum on war and family values is behind us I think it’s time we turned our attention to the center ring in this American circus and take a look at how the Republicans are planning to dismantle our social safety net. I read a little article in the San Francisco Chronicle last…

  • War goes well, if you watch it on FOX

    Quoting from J. Bradford DeLong (Most Valuable Outfielder): In the Agora wins the most valuable outfielder award with this catch: In the Agora: Ummm… Reverend Jerry Falwell, guest hosting on yesterday’s Crossfire, said that the Iraq war “goes pretty well if you watch it on FOX.” You can watch the video clip here. We report,…

  • How to win hearts and minds in Iraq

    The following consists of some tactical suggestions for engaging with the population in Iraq from an active duty soldier currently stationed in Iraq who prefers to remain anonymous: One thing I would do is start taking an honest accounting of collateral damage. Moral considerations aside, refusing to count civilian casualties is blinding us to a…

  • The Iraqization Program

    But the police have performed poorly in the Sunni Muslim areas in central and northwestern Iraq…. A wave of attacks [in Mosul] on police stations and other government buildings prompted 3,200 of the city’s 4,000 police officers to abandon their jobs. (Washington Post) DKo: The apparent reliance on former Kurdish militia as backup is explosive,…

  • Join the resistance

    Cool idea here. I signed up for the list. Perhaps you’d like to as well?

  • A Wily Adversary

    Reuters: “Hundreds of mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, rocket launchers and bomb-making equipment have been uncovered inside couches, behind hidden walls and even on top of the city water tower, Marine officers said.” –Glass? Last thing you’d suspect!

  • Blue Heartland

    “We officially no longer give a shit when family farms fail. Fewer family farms equal fewer rural voters.” (The Urban Archipelago, It’s the Cities, Stupid., by The Editors of The Stranger (11/11/04)) Whoa Nellie! The heartland isn’t as red as it might appear. Take Fresno. Please. The former Raisin Capital of the World is now…

  • Kerry health care petition

    Kerry’s bringing a health-care-for-children bill to the senate this year and is looking to get folks to sign a petition in support. She is trying to get the best health methods from to the children. I did it and thought some of youse might be interested in giving it a look. Click here for…

  • Why cater to exurbanites?

    It’s the Greeks versus the Romans. This editorial from the Stranger (The Urban Archipelago, It’s the Cities, Stupid., by The Editors of The Stranger (11/11/04)) makes it clear: The Democrats are party of cities. The Republicans are the party of the heartland. Grow our base, say the editors of the Stranger. Press urban issues. If…

  • Political phrases I never want to hear again

    OK, I’m just getting started on my list, but I’ve got the first one: Kerry is a closer.

  • Jarvis confused about liberals and conservatives

    Quoting from Why conservatives should kill the FCC and… No one should know this more than conservatives — who have spent years fighting politically-correct speech codes on college campuses and elsewhere. In the end, giving government power to define what is appropriate and acceptable may be as — or more — obnoxious to conservatives as…

  • What part of “count every vote” don’t you understand?

    Phoning in a rant I just posted to the NorCal Democracy for America mailing list in response to a “Republicans busted for vote fraud in Cuyahoga” chain message forwarded to the group: PLEASE TAKE ACTION, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. PLEASE FORWARD TO EVERYONE. Smoking Gun You may have seen the associated press story about…

  • So I’m reading the Oakland Tribune today…

    …and the front page headline sez: “Rush to Fill Void Left by Arafat.” And I’m sorry, but I just don’t think he’s up to the job. I just don’t.

  • half tank full

    ok. I confess that since 10 pm pst 11-02-04 I have been under the covers since I began to realize with a giant stomach aching nausea that exit polls ain’t what they’re cracked up to be and I was living in a dream world. Albeit the dream world of what used to be known as…

  • Power to the tin-foil hat people

    You hear it all the time: “Oh you know, he’s a tin-foil hat guy.” And “I know I may sound a little tin-foil hat here but…”. And “Hey! — nice tin-foil hat, Betsy. Metaphorically speaking.” And I ask you: What about people who really like to wear tin-foil hats? Did anybody ever stop to think…

  • So-called conservatives don’t deserve civility

    A nonpublic mailing list I’m on is discussing politics, and the subject of maintaining civil political discourse came up. I invested enough time and emotion in my contribution that I want to log it in public view. It’s just preaching to the choir here on Edgewise, but it gives me a URL to point my…

  • 51/48

    51% Bush + 48% Kerry =” from jwz

  • Press more embedded than they realize?

    In PressThink: Not Up to It, Jay Rosen predicts a sea change in the journalism’s ability to explain itself.