Category: Edgewise

  • There’s an irony in that irony (Plus me showing off).

    In 2004, “radical Shiite Muslim cleric” Muqtada Sadr took control of the holy places in Kerbala and led a bloody, extended anti-US uprising there. In the end, the US military was compelled by Shiite leaders to allow Sadr’s Mahdi Army to leave the city under the protection of a cease fire. However, the US still…

  • At Last! A Voice for “The Aspirations of the Iranian People”

    Rice Asks for $75 Million to Increase Pressure on Iran, Washington Post “…including expanding radio and television broadcasts into Iran and promoting internal opposition to the rule of religious leaders….'[W]e are going to work to support the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom in their own country,’ Rice told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee…”…

  • Cultural Conservatism–Eerily Apt from Lenin

    “In civilized Europe [i.e., the USA of his day], with its highly developed machine industry, its rich, multiform culture and its constitutions, a point of history has been reached when the commanding bourgeoisie, fearing the growth and increasing strength of the proletariat, comes out in support of everything backward, moribund, and medieval …” (V. I.…

  • This calls for at least 200 recommendations!

    Disaster Response Changes Promised Administration Admits Katrina Flaws, Moves to Retool Homeland Security [A] government-wide review due later this month…[will] make more than 100 recommendations…” Washington Post DKo: I think this calls for at least 200 recommendations.

  • Big American Car (Sports) Moments

    “When did Michelle Kwan get old,” said the man in the suit and tie in the leather chair under the banner “Chevrolet Olympic Moments”. Bob Costas, in an identical suit and leather chair, shook his head sadly. And then I blew up my TV.

  • If it was unlawful, they are whistleblowers

    Inquiry Into Wiretapping Article Widens NYT “…a rapidly expanding criminal investigation into…a New York Times article…that disclosed the existence of a highly classified domestic eavesdropping program…” ————————— DKo: I have no legal expertise, but this is my instinctive lay-person’s reaction: If the NSA eavesdropping was unlawful, or even if it’s lawfulness was so seriously questionable…