Category: Edgewise
World-Class Complacency
Bush acknowledges problems in drug plan’s rollout Reuters [Bush] said officials were trying to make sure more information is shared by Medicare, the health plans and the states, and that it is up-to-date. “We’re making good progress,” Bush said. DKo: Sharing information. Keeping it up-to-date. What a good idea! And now is the perfect time…
The White House Lied While New Orleans Died
“FYI from FEMA” said the e-mail to Homeland Security on the night the 17th Street Canal levee broke. The White House knew of flooding, stranded people and fires in the Crescent City by midnight. Then they all went about their business as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile the City of New Orleans fought it’s greatest…
Bush’s Dream Headline
Would any news organization fall for Bush’s ludicrous attempt to associate the LA plane-threat story with the totally unrelated surveillance he is currently defending in Washington? Well, there’s at least one born every minute. The AP came through for the Dunce award: Bush: U.S. Surveillance Helped Stop Attack AP
Not Just Single-Blind
Low-Fat Diet Does Not Cut Health Risks, Study Finds NYT 2/8/06 The largest study ever to ask whether a low-fat diet reduces the risk of getting cancer or heart disease has found that the diet has no effect. DKo: Remember to avoid health advice drawn from traditional Chinese medicine, Hindu Ayurvedic medicine, herbalism, etc. It…
Are You Lying?
It occurs to me that under the humbling burden imposed on the Commander-in-Chief in wartime, especially in a harrowing war without borders that could last virtually forever, the President–strictly as required to protect equally extraordinary implicit wartime powers–might be compelled to authorize an Attorney General to give false testimony to a Senate committee. They should…
“Stuck in the middle with Jews…”
Speaking as a Jew, can I say: how classic is it that Iran is responding to those Danish Mohammed-themed cartoons by sponsoring a cartoon contest about the Holocaust? I mean (speaking rhetorically now, but still as a Jew), how did we get caught in the middle here? Couldn’t they sponsor a cartoon contest about Hans…