Category: Edgewise

  • Abramoff vs The Tribes

    San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders sounded like Rep. Richard Pombo’s big sister taking on the corner bullies in her Sunday rant, “Lay off Pombo” in which she lit into “the left”, Nancy Pelosi, and Democratic party leaders for picking on Pombo for getting money from the tainted former lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, and his…

  • Reconstruction: Iraq vs Louisiana

    The Bush administration has doled out a lot of cash for the “reconstruction” of Iraq and we now have a report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. The long story short is that $25 billion was appropriated by Congress to rebuild Iraq, including for 136 projects to improve water and sanitation and 425…

  • What do you do…

    …when a political party that is pledged to your destruction wins on election day? I don’t mean folks who you suspect would get a kick out of your destruction — like, maybe, if you were destroyed they’d exchange a high-five on the side. But a group that’s been actively putting out the positive spin on…

  • Bush & Johnson: In the Mirror of War

    Many have made comparisons between the Iraq war and the Vietnam war but I have been thinking lately about the characters and careers of the two men who waged those American–made wars: GWB and LBJ. Both were Texans, one a senator, the other governor, before entering the White House. They came from opposite sides of…

  • Love the man, part two says Karl Rove Has Zero Cred on National Security and quotes my favorite straight shooter, Howard Dean: > Karl Rove only has a White House job and a security clearance because President Bush has refused to keep his promise to fire anyone involved in revealing the identity of an undercover CIA operative. Rove’s political…

  • Karl Rove to Mitt Romney: “Al Qaeda calling. Just kidding!”

    Mitt Romney is running for president but he doesn’t want my vote. Here’s what he said to New York Times reporter Adam Nagourney recently from Iowa where he is campaignin…er visiting. “The eavesdropping is a big matter on the coasts for people who are inclined to dislike the president,” Mr. Romney said.” The Coasts, people.…