Category: Edgewise

  • Iran-Iraq: maybe, maybe not

    Take 2… Cecil was wondering whether we have just created “the perfect opening for an oil-rich anti-western Iran-Iraq alliance”. I happen to think the two countries will become very tight, and posted a line about the Anschluss of the Mullahs on my blog. My friend Mark Lew, who knows more about world politics and history…

  • Can anyone explain to me…

    …without diving into conspiracy (already got that covered — thanks…) why it might be that the election results in Iraq are getting close to zero media attention? A week ago this was the election of the century. Anybody remember purple fingers? I get that they must still be counting the votes, but in this 24-hour…

  • Quote of the year

    I did not like fascists when I fought them as a diplomat for 23 years and I don’t like them now in my own country. From Ambassador Wilson, in an excellent interview posted on ye olde DailyKos.

  • Zack Exley’s advice to Dean

    Zack Exley advises Howard Dean to use his e-bully pulpit to communicate directly to wired Democratic activists his first day on the job. p.s.: Pete I’m sorry but I accidentally allowed the URLs to be stripped from your comment on the previous post here. Please feel free to re-post them in a main entry.

  • Is this the week Iran won the Iran-Iraq war?

    I read the news today and got a cold feeling inside. Have we just spent all this blood and treasure to create the perfect opening for an oil-rich anti-western Iran-Iraq alliance, complete with US-trained and armed troops? And will Bush’s great purple-stained success this week turn out to be yet another naive move by wide-eyed,…

  • Yeeagh!

    MyDD :: Democratic party just committed suicide! This MyDD diarist points out that the conventional wisdom on Dean and what he stands for is dead wrong. This is good. The Democrats have to stop being so transparent with the media. Atrios has been pointing out that the Republicans have gotten in bed with media elites…