Category: Reform
MAPlight helps you ‘follow the money’
Years ago B and I dreamed about something called the “Senator From” project, based on the idea that, for example, Scoop Jackson used to be known as “the Senator from Boeing.” We’d take the public info available and identify the largest contributors to candidate and officeholder. Great idea, but we didn’t know how to execute…
Help document this Presidency
People for the American Way has created an interactive website called WikiThePresidency where anyone can help document the depradations of the Bush administration (or research the same).
Take Back California is looking for a Development Director
Take Back California is a nonprofit promoting clean-money elections. I’m on its advisory board and the Executive Director is my friend and colleague Dan Newman. They are currently searching for a part-time or full-time Development Director: The Development Director is responsible for building, leading and growing the development functions of Our main focus is…
That nuclear option: building a better House
Xian beat me to it; I was going to post about the idea to stop electing Representatives from districts and have each state choose its electors as a bloc (thus, California would send 53 Democrats). Kleiman was talking about only amending California’s constitution, and thus producing a Democratic-controlled House. Such a change won’t happen, but…
We oppose Gonzales
We are against torture. The Gonzales nomination may be ineluctable but we would like to go on record as opposing it. In the future we want people to know that not everyone in the U.S. made excuses for atrocities. Quoting from No on Gonzales: Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions. In this case, we, the…
What part of “count every vote” don’t you understand?
Phoning in a rant I just posted to the NorCal Democracy for America mailing list in response to a “Republicans busted for vote fraud in Cuyahoga” chain message forwarded to the group: PLEASE TAKE ACTION, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. PLEASE FORWARD TO EVERYONE. Smoking Gun You may have seen the associated press story about…
Power to the tin-foil hat people
You hear it all the time: “Oh you know, he’s a tin-foil hat guy.” And “I know I may sound a little tin-foil hat here but…”. And “Hey! — nice tin-foil hat, Betsy. Metaphorically speaking.” And I ask you: What about people who really like to wear tin-foil hats? Did anybody ever stop to think…