Category: Information design

  • Get Real 2.0

    For readers of RFB who don’t follow my Power of Many blog, I just want to point out that I’ve taken the “Get Real” philosophy of 37 Signals and turned it up to 11.

  • Nice mention of my FrontPage book

    In Tools to start an e-business, Aneeta Sundararaj writes that he she benefitted from the simple instructions in the book FrontPage Savvy, co-authored by myself and Kate J. Chase: Microsoft FrontPage 2003 by Christian Crumlish and Kate J. Chase. Published by Sybex. Before I got the book, I was doing most of the designing by…

  • Permission to link

    Let’s be path of least resistance about linklogging: I’ll add a new category (unless you think links don’t need a category but do need to be categorized using existing categories. Start posting links to that category (or to any category). Use the title field, but it can be a simple keyword, no requirement for pithy…

  • Hippies smoked my website

    Via MediaSavvy (a site whose brand combines two of my favorite buzzwords of recent times), I found this article called The Web’s Hippie Period is So Over. It’s an amusing take on the usual web dev chitchat, despite its ahistorical spin on the recent past. Gerry McGovern, the article’s author, is a content guy, web…

  • Pure CSS tabs technique

    Web maestro Mark Pilgrim is always very generous about documenting his experiments and his solutions. In his Dive into Mark blog he’s working on a new design and has posted a discussion of the \”pure CSS\” technique he’s using to produce navigation tabs. This is something I’ve been trying to understand for a long time…

  • Persistent PHP/MySQL shopping cart with DMX

    I’ve been playing around with Dreamweaver’s PHP/MySQL support more lately, using it to generate repeating elements from attached data sources and simple things like that. So now I think I’m ready try to understand a more elaborate project. Mitchell Harper’s Building a Persistent Shopping Cart with PHP and MySQL might be just the ticket. [Macromedia…