Category: Miscellany
OK, OK, dullest blog
This one keeps showing up on my screen, so I might as well note it. The Dullest Blog in the world is a deadpan satire of inconsequential web journaling. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Yahoo’s crack crew of editors can hardly contain their mirth: Web logs have reached critical mass and become ubiquitous…
CSS layout problem in my personal blog
I’ve been trying to sort out the design elements at X-POLLEN. Right now I’m trying to track down a CSS (style sheet) error, and it helps me visualize the various design blocks to give them distinct colors and ugly borders. The problem is in the left two-thirds (links) area of the page. The banner (across…
Euphemism karma
As I recall, “regime change” first entered the vocabulary back in 1998, when it stood for a stronger position against Saddam’s regime in Iraq than disarmament, essentially promising that post-Gulf War sanctions against Iraq would never be lifted as long as the Saddam Hussein regime remained in power there. There may have been a whiff…
Rhymes with bogosity
Measure the buzzosity (suit or geek) of any website.
Hippies smoked my website
Via MediaSavvy (a site whose brand combines two of my favorite buzzwords of recent times), I found this article called The Web’s Hippie Period is So Over. It’s an amusing take on the usual web dev chitchat, despite its ahistorical spin on the recent past. Gerry McGovern, the article’s author, is a content guy, web…
Almost ready for TiVo
Screwed up taping the first half of Daniel Deronda Sunday night. These VHS tapes hold so little at the high-quality speeds. Juggling the incoming TV stream is becoming unmanageable. So far I’ve managed to avoid cable except when I was rooting for Jerry Brown on the road to the whitehouse in ’91 and ’92. Now,…