Category: Miscellany

  • On the Agenda

    I’m overdue in putting together a tutorial for the Screen Savers’ website for my appearance on the show Friday, hoping to finish that tonight. I’ve been working with Dreamweaver to adapt my blog templates, preparing for my next tutorial. So far I’ve fiddled with the color scheme at uncle john’s blog. Both still need work.…

  • Survival of the Sluttiest

    This AlterNet article on “The Virtues of Promiscuity” discusses the evolutionary benefits of female promiscuity; that is the contributions “slutty” behavior makes toward the fitness of a species. Here’s a choice quotation: Even evolutionary psychologists, stout defenders of the meat-for-fidelity model, are beginning to acknowledge the benefits of women’s “slutty” behavior. University of Texas psychologist…

  • The Case Against Peace in the Middle East

    The news from the middle east over the weekend made me sad and frustrated and brought to a head some of my thoughts about the politics of the region, so I wrote a short essay at Junk Mail (The Case Against Peace in the Middle East). Then I copied it into my new “outspoken” category…

  • Confused by the Scandals?

    This flowchart should help you sort things out.

  • May the Best Meme Win

    Seen in Adbusters: Meme Warfare suggests that it may be the memes of the western world that are outcompeting those from other cultures. Doesn’t this just shift the terminology? We’re still talking about Big Macs, the big screen, the Internet and porn, right?

  • The Boy Who Cried "Politically Correct"

    I must sat that for a pinko-liberal I myself am leaning toward the “we must do something about Iraq” side of the equation, so that makes it double hard for me to stomach Glenn Reynolds’s put upon attitude in this post.

  • The Case Against Peace in the Middle East

    Isn’t it about time those involved in the latest Arab-Israeli war admit that peace in the region is—at this present time—impossible? Everyone always says they want peace (along with love and understanding), but I think more progress could be made with more realistic goals. Instead of peace, perhaps the goals of international efforts should be…

  • Who Inspired Your Blog?

    Who Inspired You to Blog? [xian] Might as well pump the blog meme of the moment.

  • Weirdo R. Crumb PKD Issue Online

    Philip K. Dick + R. Crumb = What’s Not to Like? [xian]

  • Double Standard on Drugs

    I’ve never liked the way politicians hypocritically excuse their own “youthful indiscretions” and those of their family members while advocating throwing the book at unconnected offenders. Noelle Bush gets rehab, the poor and black get hard time. Fed up with draconian drug penalties, a coalition led by angry mothers is threatening to overturn some of…

  • Perfectionism = Procrastination

    Meme Trope Proof of Concept. the alternative is to hold out for perfection and omniscience at the expense of writing [Meme List] (x-pollen from my MT experiment)

  • Disturbing Search Requests

    My friend syrup used to get (and post) some strange search requests. This site is a community blog (very Metafilter-y design) where you can post any disturing search requests you find in your referer logs. Since I don’t post much personal stuff here (see bodega for the excruciating details of my life), I can’t say…

  • iTunes Ate My CD Collection

    x-posted from bodega: Hey, I’ve finally gotten with the program and started feeding CDs into my ‘puter. I think what prompted it is that I went through my roughly 600 non-bootleg CDs and chose about 50 to sell back to record stores. Bill and Jeff were polite when we talked about this last week even…

  • Where's My 'Do Not Call' List?

    I have been plagued by a telemarketing firm called Heritage Publishing. Their schtick is progressive and bleeding-heart (missing-children type) charities. It was only for a while when B and I had Pacbell’s “Privacy Manager” on our phone that I caught on to the fact that so many of these calls on behalf of various charities…

  • When Life Gives You Brown Bananas

    new at bodega: brown bananas, rageboy flowcharts, and iTunes. [xian] [Ugh, I hate the way LiveJournal renders my URLs in its RSS feed. It defaults to a hit on their database with their look-and-feel instead of the direct day link I manually substituted above that gets my fonts and colors, and it’s going to get…

  • Save This Guy's Hand

    High-larious or Sad? You Decide [xian]

  • Happy Birthday Garcia, R.I.P.

    Jerry would have turned 60 today. [xian]