Category: Radio Free Blogistan
Does blogging need an ethics committee?
Quoting from Blog Ethics Committee, Blog Publishers Association, and the evil Word of Mouth Marketing folks – The Jason Calacanis Weblog – :  Nick Denton put up a pleasantly surprising post today, complimenting me for being a “volunteer watchdog” for blog ethics. He proposes Jeff Jarvis and I start a blog ethics committee…
Blogging the vote count / election fraud story
in Freeing the facts, California Insider Dan Weintraub writes: This NY Times piece on the role of blogs in fanning, and then debunking, stories of fraud in the presidential vote carries at least a mildly handwringing tone, as if somehow this turn of events was unfortunate. I disagree.
Call for non-profit, activist blogs
via Call for non-profit, activist blogs (Joho the Blog): Rebeccca MacKinnon: …it would be interesting to build a public aggregator of blogs by non-profit and activist groups. Please list any you know in the comments section and I’ll start putting it together as soon as I gain critical mass. Note: Please add them to the…
Blogs no threat to mainstream media (CBS news)
With apologies to Truman Capote, CBS News writer Eric Engberg says blogging during the election was typing, not journalism: The public is now assaulted by news and pretend-news from many directions, thanks to the now infamous “information superhighway.” But the ability to transmit words, we learned during the Citizens Band radio fad of the 70’s,…
Is Kos a public figure?
House Majority Whip Tom DeLay notes that Daily Kos is supporting his opponent, Mr. Morrison (one of the Kos Dozen), asserting “Mr. Morrison also has taken money and is working with the Daily Kos, which is an organization that raises money for fighters against the U.S. in Iraq.” Markos laughsthis off (Daily Kos :: TX-22:…