Category: Radio Free Blogistan
Buzznet's BlogOn moblog
Some nice candids from the conference. We’re in the final session (“Who’s investing in social media?”) and Anna Zomosa just asserted that craigslist is “making millions.” At the lunch break I got into an interesting conversation with Buzz Bruggeman (no relation to Buzznet…) who demoed me his fascinated ActiveWords product for Windows. Sadly, this meant…
Talking smack, blow by blow
Sean Bonner is blogging the BlogOn conference assiduously. The irc backchannel chat seems to prefer today’s second panel to the first.
Who's blogging BlogOn
According to this wiki page (BlogOn Eventspace – Blogging BlogOn), here are a few of the people blogging this conference (besides me): Jason McCabe Calacanis Heath Row, for FC Now
Social media = blogging + social networks?
Chris Shipley is introducing Guidewire as a social media company, and she just defined social media as “media as a contact sport.” She says that Guidewire coined the term social media. Is that right? I know Mary Hodder’s been using a lot recently but I haven’t found the earliest online cite.
Is the convention just another conference, albeit a big one?
Dave Winer picked up on something I wrote on the convention bloggers mailing list, talking partly out of m’ass, imagining that I will probably end up blogging the convention the same way I’ll blog the BlogOn conference and the nonprofit conference in San Francisco next month and a Supernova or a Seybold or what have…
Threaded blog comments via AIM
Zacker has married AOL instant messenger to his blog’s comments AIM Comments (using, I assume CivicSpace or perhaps the main Drupal trunk?). I need a category like “interop” or “convergence” or maybe just “features”