Category: People Power

  • Dating the next killer app?

    First of all, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, whether here in the U.S. or not. On this day where so many of us convene with our families and talk about or avoid talking about politics, religion, and sex, I find myself thinking about online dating. A lot of us are scratching our heads as we see venture…

  • Are blogs a new form of virtual community?

    Dr. Anita Blanchard has published a preliminary analysis of a proposition that blogs may be a new form of virtual community, based on a studio of the Julie/Julia Project Salon blog: This research provides an initial look into the complicated topic of blogs as virtual communities. For many readers, the Julie/Julia Project is simply an…

  • IranFilter: English-language group weblog

    Hossein Derakhshan (better known as ‘hoder’) of Editor: Myself posted an announcement to Blogroots about a new project, iranFilter, writing: iranFilter is a collective weblog in English, focused on news, reports and everything one can find about Iran on the Internet. Although the name can’t be more cliché, honestly, I couldn’t come up with a…

  • Robert Scoble, human aggregrator

    Have you been Scobleized? Tristan Cartony: “I no longer require any news aggregators because I found an all purpose one called Scoble.” Heh, who said I’m not customizable? Want me to watch a feed for you? Let me know. Also, if you don’t see your weblog on the sidebar to the right, let me know…

  • Where are the bloggers over 50?

    Janet of out of my mind asks, “Where are the blogs by persons over 50?” In reply, I’d suggest checking out the ageless project. Currently, the first 23 people listed give birthdays over 50 years before today. Janet, if you read this, one that jumps out from the list is wood s lot, born only…

  • this is the Web, so I can update it later, right?

    Tim Bray reports from