Category: Syndication

  • Pie in the face

    CNET Newsdotcomdotcom ran the expected food fight / horse race take on the Pie wiki vs. RSS story (emphasis on vs.). The writer didn’t get much beyond the surface and picked up just one distorted reflection among the no doubt numerous possible versions of what’s been going on in blog syndication and interoperability in the…

  • Pie blogger dinner rollcall

    I took a bunch of photos last night but most came out pretty blurry or otherwise skanky. I’ll try to crop and post some here but I expect that better photographers will come up with better shots today or this weekend. Since I’m supposedly a writer and all Marc Canter nominated me to take down…

  • Syndicate TPM… soon

    Talking Points Memo is getting a redesign and… an RSS feed at last.

  • Pie for French speakers

    François Hodierne has written a summary of the Pie project, called Ce n’est plus Echo !, for French speakers who may not be able to keep up with the wiki in English. Though, to be honest, I can think of a few English-speakers, including myself, who have trouble keeping up with the wiki in our…

  • Beyond title, link, description

    Jake Ludington’s been posting some thoughts about RSS in his weblog, since Gnomedex just ended and RSS was in the air there. He questions whether RSS is “all that”, allowing that “RSS (or something like it) is permanently changing the way online publishers deliver content,” but pointing out that “RSS isn’t the magic bullet to…

  • Update on Pie

    Mark’s still calling it Atom. Some people are still calling it Necho. Whatever you call it, Mark Pilgrim has an update on the project to define a vendor-neutral API, archiving, and feed format for weblogs, and a pointer to the API-in-progress and some sample feeds. Myself, I’m returning to the original working title, Pie, until…