Category: Weblog Concepts
Blogging my dog ears
All my life, I’ve turned down the page at the corner of the book I’m reading whenever a passage of writing strikes me in some particular way: as writing itself, or because it confirms or disputes some ongoing argument I’m having with myself. The gesture is vestigial, the first step in highlighting or underlining, annotating…
Another dirty blog
What do you call a garden blog written by two people, discussing their plans, decision, thoughts, reflections, illustrated with digital images of the two gardens or the plants in them, with links to other gardening resources and the few (very few) other easily-findable examples of literate garden writing online? Briggs and Rich call it True…
Cowgirl instalanched, coattails for Salon bloggers: minimal
Dave Winer’s link to RCB’s take on Lisa Guernsey’s article (why does Guernsey have two blog addresses, one at Salon and one not?) got picked up by Instapundit, who declared it “the final word” on the subject. She’s a rawk staw I tell you. Meanwhile, I’ve been meaning to post about Halley’s Comment and SRO…
MT client for Mac Classic?
A friend has started blogging with MT and she is still running OS 9 on her iBook. We were discussing the problems with the web interface, particularly the form-based text box, where there is a high risk of accidentally munging your own work. I showed her how to select all, copy, and paste into a…
Blog gender gap?
Lisa Guernsey has recently started a weblog about search engines. She writes in today’s Circuits section of the New York Times about the relative prominence of men in the blogosphere as compared with women. Many have pointed out, however, that blogs are a fairly egalitarian format, with women, people of color, and other groups who…
David F. Gallagher's remarks at 'Revenge of the Blog'
Gallagher has posted a version of his remarks from the Blog conference at Yale. He says, “I’m more of a reporter than a pundit” and offers three anecdotes along with some follow up comments. Don’t miss his photolog (managed with Blogger). I can’t decide, for myself, whether to manage a separate photoblog, or stick with…
Tom Coates on the rightward tilt in the punditic blogosphere
Over at, Tom wonders about the popularity of right-wing views among political bloggers, and offers a few theories: [T]he sheer number and moral certainty of current right-wing webloggers is intimidating (occasionally terrifying). This in itself would not be a reason to avoid debate, except that (as is often the case with most organisations and…
Garden blogs
Can anyone recommend some good garden or gardening blogs? I have an ulterior motive for asking which I’ll explain after I see what this search turns up.
Blogging 'Revenge of the Blogs'
Bag and Baggage provides some good coverage of last weekend’s ‘Revenge of the Blogs’ conference at Yale.
Start at the beginning, proceed through the middle to the end, and then stop
Diane E. is ending her Letter from Gotham blog and plans to remove it from the Web (so the preceding link may not work). I’m not sure why she wants to remove it, but her reasons for ending it are clear: she’s finished. Like everything else, a blog can have a beginning, a middle, and…
Video kill the bloggio star?
As a writer, I am ambivalent about mediablogging and the old vidphone idea mixed with a kind of public-access Wayne’s World media future, but mobile blogging (moblogging?) — which seems to be the meme of the moment in metablogging circles — seems more appealing. Just as I’ve always liked carrying a notebook around to capture…
Being Judgemental
The Raven: “I hope we’re not getting too competitive”
Feeling silly on Friday
I love J.Ro’s weblog (whence my spike in traffic this weak, probably one of my least productive weeks in the last two or three months…), but sometimes his inside-the-company voice gets distracting. I was picturing him commenting on NASA’s new space planes, by posting something like: “Those bureaucrats are crazy building a new round of…
Adding author credit to Radio blog entries?
Is there any way to change the item template for a Radio blog so that it includes a credit line for the author of an entry? In most Radio blogs there is no need for this because there is only one author, but in a multiauthor Radio blog (using the multiauthor tool, subscriving to RSS…
A breather
Couldn’t blog anything yesterday, dealing with a project-related crisis that’s still in progress. It feels funny to miss a day. I usually post something somwhere, but by evening, my first free moments, I felt too discouraged. Not chatty. On the other hand, change is good, so I may be able…
Blogger getting sued
A reader, probably looking for news of the blogger being sued by the Scientologists, ran across a September 23rd post to this blog in which I quote Dylan Tweney writing in his blog: “Thought experiment: What will happen to the free-and-easy culture of the blogosphere after the first weblogger (journalist or otherwise) gets sued for…
Blogging Iraq (and Iran) at Salon
Camille Roy’s Ich Bin Ein Iraqi blog at Salon recounts her memories of a childhood in Iraq and takes on the powers-that-be in their drive to war, past and present. By coincidence, topping the Salon rankings these days is Hilary and Kathy’s Tehran <–> Washington, DC 1970–1973 teen girl blog, featuring a series of letters…
bIPlog goes live
The weblog of the Berkeley journalism school Intellectual Property class, bIPlog went live today. It’s a group weblog. The focus of the class is on intellectual property. The weblog is merely one form of expression for the journalistic efforts of the class in covering the “beat” of intellectual property in these changing times.
Independent journalist blogging his way back to Iraq
Former AP and New York Daily News reporter Christopher Allbritton publishes the Back to Iraq blog, through which he is attempting to raise money to send himself back to northern Iraq. Here’s part of his pitch soliciting support for his independent journalistic mission: This summer I went stumbling around Iraqi Kurdistan, the northern part of…
Raven Salondotted
Aha! Salon has stealthily linked to a Salon blogger (besides, or in addition to, Scott Rosenberg) directly on its home page, citing the Raven’s awesome XTREME blogging post. Nice to see a leetle evolution in Salon’s approach to its weird stepchildren.
Turning off an RSS feed in Radio
I posed this question (“How do you turn off your RSS feed in Radio?”) to the discussion group and Mark Paschal stepped up to offer a scriptwise method for turning off RSS rendering in Radio and instructions on how to employ it. Thanks, Mark!