Category: Weblog Concepts

  • Macromedia Firefly plus RSS

    Using Macromedia FireFly Components to Work with RSS Feeds by Aral Balkan; re: Macromedia Flash. [Macromedia – Designer Developer Center] …and I’m off to NOLA…

  • Towards participatory online democracy

    Paul Ford thinks the Senate should have an RSS feed, and the House, and the Supreme Court, and the White House. I think he’s right, and I like his approach to raising the subject.

  • Mr. Kott-air?

    Jeff Green wonders what we were laughing at, when we were laughing at the Sweat Hogs. All I know is that there was a time “sport shirt on the iceburg” chanted to the beat of a conga line could crack up me and my sibs without fail. Around this time we were equally susceptible to…

  • Xeni is the cowgirl's stunt double this week

    Xeni Jardin asks the musical question, “[W]hat do you blog about when you can be as explicit, as extreme, and as graphic as you want to be? How far will you go – at what point will you self-censor? Do you roll your sleeves up and turn up the shock, just because you can? If…

  • What up with BlogShares?

    For some reason RFB’s market cap and incoming/outgoing link tallies are frozen at March 20 levels over at BlogShares. On the other hand the share price is updated dynamically (and, gratifyingly, I suppose, has been on a pleasing upward curve lately). One interesting thing is that the people who’ve acquired shares of RFB frequently belong…

  • Iranian blogger arrested

    Blogging has gotten pretty big in Iran, which is no surprise given the democratic strivings emerging from the enormous Persian youth culture. Now it appears that one Iranian blogger/journalist has been arrested. He is “accused of threatening the national security by giving interviews to Persian language radios outside Iran, wrtiting articles both in newspapers and…