Category: Weblog Concepts
How to make a category in Radio
I’ve just posted (in reverse order *phew* so you can read it in the right order) a six-step tutorial explaining to Salon bloggers how to set up a new category in Radio so they can participate in the Salon blogs salon I’m trying to set up. If you change the names of the categories and…
Sour grapes from the left wing of the blogosphere
I wonder if the libertarian-right pundit sector of the blogosphere is to this year’s elections as the dittohead talk-radio shows were to those of 1994? Meanwhile, the gloating and the whining are already running rampant. Tacitus bemoans the sour grapes from the left. As a moderate-leftist who is usually disgusted by the behavior of both…
Problem with category not rendering
I’m having a problem with my fireweaver category not rendering. I’m not sure why this is. When I try to look at the page on the desktop weblog, I get 500 Server Error (“Can
My new blogchalking icon
Finally customized my blogchalking icon. I never liked that spiky haired face as my blogchalking icon. I kind of like the tourist icon and the anarchy one is nice for livejournal users (ducking!). But I wanted to make one that kind of resembles me in my sloppy pixelated way. I just grabbed the gif I…
Administrivia equivalent of getting new drapes
I’m going to take the non-blog-focused categories and put them in new clothes, gradually moving their branding away from RFB’s revolutionary vigor toward more appropriate looks and feels. Salonika should look like a Salon blog (and when I get the upstreaming syntax figured out, it should live at, but that’s another matter. Fireweaver will…
Best RSS resources?
This should be an easy one, as I have plenty of bookmarks, but I’d like to throw this question out there: What are the best sources for RSS information online? Here are some dredged quickly out of my browser’s history: WebReference’s Web / Authoring / Languages / XML / RSS page (the best RSS “portal”…