Category: The Power of Many

  • Bubble 2.0 popping soon?

    Seems like a lot of the Web 2.0 skeptics come out of Australia. Not sure why that is. Personally, I hate the whole “2.0” concept. It’s already played out as a meme and it means nothing (or everything, which has the same effect). Now a blog called Squash claims to have detected a sign of…

  • Yes, we were hacked

    I’ve nearly recovered or recreated all the pages and templates that were damaged by the nasty little scriptkiddy who hacked our server. I’d rather not go into detail about how it happened, at least until I’m sure we’ve locked the barn door.

  • Beyond Folksonomies at SXSW

    Here are my raw notes for beyond folksonomies: knitting tag clouds for grandma: from pidgen to creole tags popularized by (delicious, flickr, technorati) hodder on usability problems a lot of web 2.0 sites, hoping people will fill in all the info, but interfaces poorly done … half-done systems because others got critical mass (which makes…

  • Discussing online community on KUOW (in Seattle)

    I just got off the phone with Jeannie Yandel, the producer of a show called The Conversation on an NPR station in Seattle, KUOW 94.9 FM. She asked me about how online communities cross over into the real world, what did I think about the rash of bad-news stories about teens on MySpace lately, and…

  • Picture for picture

    Sketch Swap gives you space to draw a picture. When you’re done, you submit it and get someone else’s picture in return.

  • Listening to customers

    Dispatches from Blogistan says that Amazon is experimenting with product wikis. I hope they have better luck with that than the LA Times did with their “wikitorials” experiment. At least Amazon already hosts a culture used to giving feedback (with their reviews feature). I’m still hoping for a way to aggregate product feedback and reviews…