Category: Best Practices

  • JemBlog to offer "semantic blogging" using RDF

    Danny Ayers posted to the cmsblogapidev mailing list today in response to a question posted to the list: “Does anyone have strong opinions about databases here? if so, do they extend beyond uses for mysql?” His reply: I don’t know about it being a strong opinion, but I believe in the context of cms and…

  • Testing

    Test post to new “knowhow” location (

  • Bit the bullet

    Just now finally got around to upgrading the version of Movable Type driving this X-POLLEN blog. Since I installed version 2.5 there was a 2.51 upgrade and possibly a 2.52, and then the recent more substantial release of 2.6, quickly followed by bugfixes 2.61 and 2.62. So I managed to avoid a lot of interim…

  • Password-protecting a website

    Every six months or so I go back to this Webmonkey article from 1997 on how to set up the .htaccess and .htpassword files on an Apache server to password-protect a directory. I’m posting it here because I needed to refer to it today and it belongs in the RFB web-design (category “fireweaver”) knowledge base.

  • Bloggle? Googer? Google buys Pyra

    Why am I always the last to know? Dan Gillmor reports that Google is buying Pyra. In the short term, the main effect will be greater stability for Blogspot users. Over at his blog, Dan is also collecting commentary from bloggers about this move. Most seem to think it’s a good fit. I wonder if…

  • Administrivia: Redirecting visitors from 000111

    There are still so many blogs and sites pointing to this site’s old address, that I thought I’d add an automatic refresh-to-the-new address (after 10 seconds to get oriented and then again quickly disoriented) to the template for the old-school page.