Category: Best Practices
Safari getting there
A new build of Apple’s beta browser, Safari, is out. (Dive into) Mark has the scoop: Safari build 60 is out. Many things are fixed. Some things are not yet fixed. I have re-tested all of my Safari CSS hacks and found no differences between build 51 and build 60; specifically, the Safari Spacer Hack…
Parsing Osama
Speaking of jumping to conclusion, MSNBC has retracted its original interpretation of the Osama tape as saying that bin Laden encouraged the overthrow of Saddam. Apparently, while Ba’ath socialists are infidels, it’s OK to stand with them to fight against the U.S. Meanwhile, the invaluable Mark Kleiman tries to sort out the layers of meaning…
Test of metaxian trackback egopendium,
Test of metaxian trackback egopendium, Take 2. Apologies for the duplicate post. I will remove these if this works: If this works, then metaxian will include a reference to this post. … If it doesn’t, I will learn more about how to ping a site with TrackBack automatically, won’t I? Or more about how not…
Wishlist: autoblogged history breadcrumbs
How hard would it be to automatically post every URL I hit in one browser to a specific category? I could go back and expand on anything that deserved comment and promote it to the mainpage, but I’d also have a running log of positively everywhere I’d been. One for the lazyweb? Something with scripting…
Textism preparing to release Textpattern
Dean Allen announces that he is almost ready to release Textpattern, his long-promised web writing tool (or, if you prefer, CMS). While I’m afraid it will not enable me to write as well as he does (his predictions for 2003 are microstorytelling at its finest), Textpattern offers a feature set that has me drooling, and…
Have your tickets out and ready
I’m so out of it. After returning from a week and a half in New York I’m still reading The Gawker but without that same sense of immediacy (not that it matters where you are when you read about New York, and not that that prevents me from reading the Times, the Nation, the New…