Category: Coding

  • Berners-Lee: Evolve HTML incrementally

    Tim “Invented the Web” Berners-Lee on a way to evolve HTML without the abrupt disorienting changes characterized by the switch the XHTML: Reinventing HTML | Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Breadcrumbs

  • DHTML drag 'n' drop folder tree

    Check out this Folder tree with Drag and Drop capabilities based on unordered list tags.

  • Rapid prototyping, good; code generating, bad

    Austin Govella explains why Rapid prototyping tools should NOT generate code: Why would you need the prototyping tool to generate production code? Is there something about the code they would generate that would make it better than the custom code most applications require? Does the rapid prototyper’s code generator let me tell it how to…

  • OpenID event for developers in Berkeley

    Kaliya “Identity Woman” Hamlin writes: Webwide distributed SSO is finally happening… Learn more from the core guys behind this emerging standard for user-centric digital identity. August 10th 6-9 in Berkeley at 2029 University, Upstairs. RSVP to me kaliya (at) Mac (dot) com and please pass this along to those who might be interested… OpenID is…

  • Interview re microformats

    Microformats are standards-compliant structures based primarily on ordinary XHTML tag attributes (such as “rel=” in a link tag). The Knowledge@Wharton website features an excellent interview with Tantek

  • Prototype JavaScript framework

    Prototype is “a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications,” sporting an “easy-to-use toolkit for class-driven development and the nicest Ajax library around.” Ruby on Rails features integrated Prototype support, the famous library is built on Prototype (but I curse Joshua Schachter for ever starting that URL trend), Rico…