Category: Coding
Berners-Lee: Evolve HTML incrementally
Tim “Invented the Web” Berners-Lee on a way to evolve HTML without the abrupt disorienting changes characterized by the switch the XHTML: Reinventing HTML | Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Breadcrumbs
DHTML drag 'n' drop folder tree
Check out this Folder tree with Drag and Drop capabilities based on unordered list tags.
Rapid prototyping, good; code generating, bad
Austin Govella explains why Rapid prototyping tools should NOT generate code: Why would you need the prototyping tool to generate production code? Is there something about the code they would generate that would make it better than the custom code most applications require? Does the rapid prototyper’s code generator let me tell it how to…
OpenID event for developers in Berkeley
Kaliya “Identity Woman” Hamlin writes: Webwide distributed SSO is finally happening… Learn more from the core guys behind this emerging standard for user-centric digital identity. August 10th 6-9 in Berkeley at 2029 University, Upstairs. RSVP to me kaliya (at) Mac (dot) com and please pass this along to those who might be interested… OpenID is…
Interview re microformats
Microformats are standards-compliant structures based primarily on ordinary XHTML tag attributes (such as “rel=” in a link tag). The Knowledge@Wharton website features an excellent interview with Tantek
Prototype JavaScript framework
Prototype is “a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications,” sporting an “easy-to-use toolkit for class-driven development and the nicest Ajax library around.” Ruby on Rails features integrated Prototype support, the famous library is built on Prototype (but I curse Joshua Schachter for ever starting that URL trend), Rico…
Another vote for XHTML wireframes
At the Blue Flavor blog, Nick Finck casts another vote for making XHTML wireframes. I have to admit I find this idea appealing. Granted (and he grants this himself), it may not be the right approach for every client, but the prospect of creating blueprints and schematics that don’t get thrown away after they’re approved…
On Nudity and CSS
Today (April 05, 2006) has officially been earmarked as CSS Naked Day. The aim of this project is to promote web standards by showing the world what each site looks like sans markup. Those who sign up for the project agree to remove all CSS styling from their website for that day. The result is…
How to Print Selective Sections of a Web Page using CSS and DOM Scripting
Shimone just sent this guide to printing sections of a web page around to our developers’ list with the comment, “You know this is going to come up.”
Notes on "Web Standards and SEO: Searching for Common Ground, Part 2" panel at South by Southwest (day 3)
Panelists Aaron Gustafson: Sr Web Designer/Dev, Easy! Designs LLC Ed Shull: CEO, USWeb (Web marketing) Eric Meyer: Complex Spiral Consulting, Standards Nazi Andy Hagans: works in SEO, blogs at white hat vs. black hat SEO Shull: cloaking (visible only to search engine) linkspamming comment spamming hiding tables in javascript to make the content show…
For today’s daily Ajax news I recommend Scot Hacker’s notes from a panel I wasn’t able to attend yesterday. tags: sxsw2006, sxsw
Oracle UI guidelines
A discussion on a BayCHI mailing list led an Oracle UI engineer to post a link to these user interface guidelines. They present a fascinating look at a meticulously documented set of user-interface standards. The documentation specifies overarching standards, page elements, page-type templates, and numerous process flows. The description of partial page rendering provides a…
The Daily Ajax
Here are today’s Ajax links: advAJAX / AdvancedAJAX 1.0 My-Bic = Easy Ajax This concludes the daily Ajax.
Always wanted to learn Javascript?
No? Me neither. But if yes, check out Javascript in Ten Minutes at the new infogami website.
A little CSS diversion
Stu Nicholls has created a little web-native video game powered by CSS. It’s maddening, though. I can’t seem to win.
Yahoo! Pattern and UI Libraries
Yahoo! has really taken it to the next level in terms of reaching out to the developer community. As I mentioned earlier, there’s the new User Interface Blog and I coincidentally stumbled on the Graded Browser Support article around the same time. Digging deeper I found the Design Pattern Library which Yahoo! defines as “an…
Graded Browser Support
Nate Koechley, Senior Web Developer for Yahoo! has written an interesting (if a bit high-level) article on what he’s calling “graded browser support”. Instead of using the more commong “graceful degradation” approach, Nate looks at browser support using a graded system. The system puts browsers into 3 seperate categories based on their distribution. See the…
Greasemonkey gives the user more control over the UI
Some interface designers may feel threatened by the idea of Greasemonkey scripts altering the intended look-and-feel of their web pages (at least in Firefox and Mozilla), but I like the idea of users getting more control over their experience (even if the scripts are brittle and sometimes hack-y), and in the best scenario I would…
Ajax JSP tag library
This should save some effort for JSP developers building out Ajax interfaces. This has been your daily Ajax link (via Dan).
IE 7 in public beta
Todd tells us that Microsoft released the public beta of Internet Explorer 7 today, and he sent us this link to the Beta 2 developer checklist, including these items (among others): Verify your User Agent string detection detects Internet Explorer 7. Check your website for the use of CSS hacks that may have been turned…
Google Code Analyzes the Markup of a Billion Pages
The folks at Google Code have published some interesting analyses of HTML markup statistics and trends, complete with nice bar charts for us visual learners (Google Code: Web Authoring Statistics): In December 2005 we did an analysis of a sample of slightly over a billion documents, extracting information about popular class names, elements, attributes, and…