Category: Patterns

  • The book has arrived!

    the book has arrived! Originally uploaded by erin_designr We started our book proposal around June of ’08…

  • Slides from our mini-workshop at IDEA 2009

    Designing Social Interfaces: 5 steps, 5 principles, 5 anti-patternsView more presentations from erin malone.

  • Presenting social patterns to patternistas at PLoP

    Social Design For Patternistas View more documents from Christian Crumlish. Last week I was in Chicago for PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programs) 2009, co-located with the Agile conference. PLoP is a unique conference, in some ways more like a funky academic confab than a typical tech industry conference. Most of the time is spent in…

  • Today's the last day to vote for my so-called SxSW panel

    Erin and I want to get a bunch of people together at South by Southwest in Austin next March to play SocialMania, the card game we’ve just started beta testing. If that sounds fun, go (sign up and) vote one snaps up for SocialMania: Designing Social Interfaces – The Game. Also, Dave Gray, myself, and…

  • Yahoo! Design Pattern Library relaunches with 10 new social patterns

    Over one year in the making… The work of many hands… A much overdue look-and-feel refresh, with some much-needed (if subtle) usability improvements… I am bursting with pride that I’m able to announce today the relaunch of the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library with “ten new patterns, a reorganized category-structure, cleaner URLs for easier bookmarking, and…

  • See me speak at IDEA 2009

    The IDEA Conference looks at the intersection of physical and information space and wonders how you design experiences for that. At IDEA we’ll combine a straightforward presentation of the ideas in Designing Social Interfaces with an interactive quasi-workshop activity involving play-testing a prototype card game we’re designing.

  • Open source unbooks and a pattern language for groups

    Two hot bookmarks today, each of which probably warrants a full blog post: Book’em, Github | Linux Magazine tech authors posting source code and sometimes entire books on GitHub Pattern Language of Group Process A pattern language for group dynamics whose goals include (1) To support Purpose-driven design. Form should follow function, (2) To deepen…

  • Bulletin article Boingboinged

    Cory Doctorow picked up on a brief mention from Bruce Sterling in his wired blog pointing to my recent bulletin article. Cory adds Stupid pitfalls of social media: This American Society for Information Science and Technology paper by Yahoo’s Christian Crumlish has a tidy little cosmology of dumb things that social media does. Commenters seem…

  • The Information Architecture of Social Experience Design: Five Principles, Five Anti-Patterns and 96 Patterns (in Three Buckets)

    I have an article in the August/September 2009 issue of The Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, called "The Information Architecture of Social Experience Design: Five Principles, Five Anti-Patterns and 96 Patterns (in Three Buckets)" (quite a mouthful, eh?). I’d like to thank Stacy Surla, one of my colleagues on the…

  • Designing Social Interfaces, Rough Cut edition now available from O'Reilly Media

    Designing Social Interfaces – Rough Cut | O’Reilly Media Originally uploaded by xian The unedited, 500 page first draft of our book is available now in PDF format for review by anyone who can’t bear to wait till September for the first (“real”) edition to come out. Yay!

  • Designing Social Interfaces Web 2.0 Expo workshop slides

    Social Patterns Talk – Web 2.0 version View more presentations from Erin Malone.

  • Slides from Designing Social Interfaces at IA Summit 2009

    Erin Malone and I introduced some of the fruit of our effort to carve out a pattern language for social user experience design. At the Information Architecture Summit in Memphis this past week we taught our pattern library workshop and then delivered this tandem presentation: Designing Social Interfaces View more presentations from Erin Malone.

  • south by, in a nutshell

    south by, in a nutshell this is a screenshot of a sampling of the tweets about the core conversation i did with erin malone re social design patterns. there was one that said we weren’t prepared and were just promoting our book, too. i do wish we had explicated an example pattern. the summit talk…

  • My YDN lightning talk on design patterns

    Thanks to Julie Choi who is producing this series and Ricky Montalvo who directed and filmed this five-minute talk. I really enjoyed it and I think they did a great job with it (and the whole series, actually):

  • Pattern languages interview

    In anticipation of the Pattern Library workshop I’m teaching with Erin Malone and Lucas Pettinati, Will Evans interviewed us for Boxes & Arrows, the premiere user experience magazine online. Will asked great questions and I think he brought out some interesting discussion among us all. Here’s a taste: Question: I have heard it argued that…

  • gee and i've only met barlow once

    gee and i’ve only met barlow once Originally uploaded by xian was JP Barlow idly doing the comparisons today, or is this more like secret-admirer spam?

  • About this new book I'm (co-)writing

    As you may know, I am writing a book with Erin Malone called Designing Social Interfaces for O’Reilly Media. Erin is the the founder of the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library and hired me to be its third curator. Today she is a partner at Tangible UX, a consulting firm, and I maintain the library as…

  • Design hacks with stencils and patterns

    These are the slides I worked from today in my talk at Yahoo! Open Hack Day 08, Design Hacks with Stencils & Patterns: View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: openhack08 hackday)

  • Open Hackday 08 begins

    hackday stage Originally uploaded by xian. I’m going to name the robots Foo and Bar. We still haven’t announced the musical act that will be performing on this stage tonight. So far I’ve heard Cody Simms and Neal Sample (Cody and Neal, hmmm….) give a great overview of YOS (with great visuals by Micah Laaker),…

  • Ignite was fun

    My Ignite talk, Grasping Social Patterns Originally uploaded by duncandavidson. Here are my slides. | View | Upload your own Audio when it’s available (video too). UPDATE: and here’s some YouTube video shot from the audience (the very beginning of my talk is cut off):

  • Three talks for the price of, well, none

    At the IA Summit a week ago in Miami, I co-taught two full-day workshops (on patterns with Erin Malone and Lucas Pettinati, and social design with Christina Wodtke and Joshua Porter), moderated a panel (on presence and other aspects of social web architecture with Gene Smith, Wodtke, Andrew Hinton, and Andrew Crow), and gave a…