Category: Product

  • So… this happened

    So… this happened

    Like an aging AAA slugger called up to the majors, like a prep-school outsider starting college, like a choreographer with bad knees getting access to the biggest stage, I find myself leading the product management chapter at 18F as it celebrates its tenth anniversary. 18F is a consulting entity in TTS (Technology Transformation Services) in…

  • Super friends

    Super friends

    Between recording sessions and working for the state, I’ve been planning a redux of the one-day remote Design in Product conference and just posted a video over on Linky-Din promoting it.

  • In the public sector, what’s the product?

    In the public sector, what’s the product?

    UX Lisbon has now put up online their video of my closing talk from last year’s conference. I listened to it again this morning and I think it holds up and still captures how I feel about the work I am doing. I will be giving an updated and vastly briefer version of this talk…

  • The 12 Pods of 2022

    Twelve podcasts of 2022

  • Social Patterns II: The Social Interfacening…

    Social Patterns II: The Social Interfacening…

    It’s starting to feel like time to update ye old Designing Social Interfaces, so Erin Malone and I are talking to the kind editors at O’Reilly about doing a second edition. Because user experience, we are doing some research, including a survey. If you work with social interfaces, apps, websites, or experiences, please consider taking…

  • Where I’m writing from

    When Apple brought the touch screen and the tablet together they kicked off a new revolution, one that moves us all one step closer to direct manipulation of the digital world at our hands. As a writer, I suppose I have naturally gravitated toward the realm of writing and editing, where we’re still following “word…