UXI Live

Christian will be presenting “Tablet First: Designing Holistic Ubiquitous Experiences” at UX Israel Live.

Mobility today means more than handsets in pockets. We are entering a world of ubiquitous network access to always-on cross-channel digital services, bringing multiple new dimensions of complexity to the job of user experience strategy and product design.

Many practitioners have embraced or experimented with a philosophy called “Mobile First” as a method of designing a core, minimally valuable product, and then selectively extending or scaling the interface for traditional “desklap” devices.

Christian will discuss a variation on this approach he calls “Tablet First,” in which experiences are designed holistically and the prototyped and implemented initially on gesture-based tablets.

Because the tablet form factor shares some characteristics both with smaller handsets and larger lapdesks, solving problems for these devices lays a good foundation for extending the experience out across the full spectrum of touchpoints.

Christian will draw on his experience leading the product and design teams at CloudOn (an Israeli company). CloudOn makes a mobile productivity application that launched initially on the iPad and now reaches customers on iPhones, numerous Android phones and tablets, and through the browser.

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