Tag: bookmarks

  • They're called favorites for a reason

    SarahKSilverman: Goddamnit! I am so sick of paying top dollar for mustache rides. jlangdale: RT @mashable Teens Don’t Tweet http://bit.ly/1GnYtK RT @jedijunkie: Also, Boy’s don’t cry, the numbers don’t lie, and Homie don’t play that. bobulate: What makes a good editor? RT Regarding saying no, the personal agenda, and edifying editing: http://bit.ly/7djaf (via @thatwhichmatter) brianoberkirch:…

  • I'm retiring the links for today thingy

    I’m trying to do more “real” blogging here these days and I feel like my Delicious links just drown everything else out. (Also a twitter follower mentioned being interested in people’s blog posts but not their bookmarks – I am now having my blog posts send notices to twitter – and that kinda made sense…

  • links for 2007-09-12

    Demand Satisfaction! :: You decide who speaks at the South by Southwest Interactive Festival plug for one of my panels and a good model for recommending others (tags: innovation sxsw sxsw2007) Protoscript Bill Scott’s amazing Protoscript is a simplified scripting language for creating Ajax style prototypes for the Web. With Protoscript it’s easy to bring…

  • links for 2007-09-11

    Apogee’s Duet: pro audio at a mini size – Engadget dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true, yeaaagh (via poly.chromatic) (tags: music gear audio pro mini)

  • links for 2007-09-10

    Simple hackery enables free iTunes ringtones – Engadget for future reference (tags: apple free hacks howto iphone itunes music ringtones)

  • links for 2007-08-29

    Mobile Web Design ~ A Book by Cameron Moll (tags: book books css design development webdesign mobile web)

  • links for 2007-08-22

    Psychology Of Social Design » SlideShare (tags: social design networking reputation identity)

  • links for 2007-08-20

    FINDINGS; The Whys Of Mating: 237 Reasons And Counting – New York Times The results contradicted another stereotype about women: their supposed tendency to use sex to gain status or resources. “Our findings suggest that men do these things more than women,” Dr. Buss said, alluding to the respondents who said they’d had sex (tags:…

  • links for 2007-08-18

    Brad’s Thoughts on the Social Graph an aspect of portable social networks (tags: collaboration community FOAF identity interop network networking networks openid portable research social socialmedia socialnetwork socialnetworks socialsoftware society tags technology toread visualization web web2.0 webdev attention reputation presence) The Web as a loose federation of contractors — everwas Our human OS concept might…

  • links for 2007-08-14

    Data Visualization: Modern Approaches | Graphics (tags: dataviz visualization data design graphics information inspiration webdesign statistics)

  • links for 2007-08-13

    coverpop: new stuff (tags: random fun) HTML 2.0 Pattern Language (tags: html pattern patterns patternlanguage) Design MatriX’s Pattern Languages subsite (tags: design language pattern patterns software ecosystem toread)

  • links for 2007-08-11

    CSS Layouts (tags: accessibility browser css design development free generator grid layout webdesign templates layouts html yui)

  • links for 2007-08-09

    I Was Hired By SF to Delete Postings : Indybay discussion of abuse of craigslist flagging (moderation) system (tags: community participation social reputation craigslist government marketing PR) 30+ Tools to Turn WordPress into a Personal Hub (tags: pep presence blogging aggregator blog blogs CMS community development hacks howto personal plugin plugins reference resources social socialnetworking…

  • links for 2007-07-25

    Amazon.com: AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis: Books: William J. Brown,Raphael C. Malveau,Thomas J. Mowbray ya patterns book (tags: patterns antipatterns book software projects) Patterns-discussion FAQ excellent faq on patterns, focused on software desgin but more widely applicable for the most part (tags: patterns design-patterns design)

  • links for 2007-07-19

    dack.com > web > web economy bullshit generator subject says it all (tags: generator bullshit humor web fun business funny economy)

  • links for 2007-07-18

    Impression formation in blogging communities | Orient Lodge aldon’s been on a tear lately, analyzing social networks, public identity, mybloglog and so on (tags: recommendations reputation identity mybloglog presence) Managing online identities | Orient Lodge the perennial problem of managing proliferating online identities examined (tags: identity openid foaf presence) 20 Ways To Aggregate Your Social…

  • links for 2007-07-11

    The Conversational Sketching Toolkit / nForm / Blog Another gift to the UX community from Jess McMullin and nform: “I call our approach conversational sketching, because the point isn’t to draw the solution, it’s to give people a tool to talk about their needs and perspective.” (tags: stakeholders design ia sketching conversationalsketching techniques templates stencils…

  • links for 2007-07-03

    Comment Challenge plugin: Download, installation and configuration maybe this will help stop the spam (tags: blog blogging blogs movabletype mt plugins spam plugin reference) Excluding Categories in Movable Type want to move my delicious links out of the main stream of the blog (antikottke) (tags: blog blogging mt movabletype categories plugin plugins reference) scriptygoddess »…

  • links for 2007-07-01

    Stop Motion Drums and Piano Video (tags: music video digitalediting clipaday drums piano) Kid Zeppelin Video kid’s gonna rock for real some day – we have no excuse not to (tags: music guitar video kid cool) south by southwest festivals + conferences SXSW podcast: Every Breath You Take: Identity, Attention, Presence and Reputation (tags: identity…

  • links for 2007-06-30

    Designer//Slash//Model design *can* change the world (tags: design digital video funny humor fashion motion graphic)

  • links for 2007-06-28

    seanbonner: Do I really need another inbox? reference for ‘plays well with email’ blog post i’m never finishing (tags: email yasns)