Tag: geekery
I plan to strip down and rebuild this blog (gradually, over time) but it’s still annoying that something I did with a new summary page template messed up the basic typeface of the place!
After reactivating the Mastodon account I provisioned in 2019 over at mstdn.social, I started noticing that that instance, well managed and moderated as it is, is a larger one, getting bigger all the time, and it was starting to throw errors. They say to build the fediverse out and not up, so I started exploring…
Quick recursive test
trying out a fediembedi tag to insert my mastodon feed here as a test
Quick test of a new comment plug-in
Looking to see if I can integrate my comment system with fubber and twudder…
Probably time to break out the Edirol
I love the spontaneity of recording the band on the phone, and the quality is really not bad, but I’ve got a nice compact digital recorder and I should be using it.
The new phone book is (almost) here!
The writing is over (for this edition), the book has “shipped to the printer,” and the cover mechanical (shown above, in its technicolor glory) is in the can. My tech writing career is now complete: an animal book with O’Reilly!
stump the chumps
what’s the difference between a duck? – Wolfram|Alpha Originally uploaded by xian ok – trick questions are no fair, but hire someone with a sense of humor and load it up with snappy answers, yo.
Building my sxsw schedule
Open Hackday 08 begins
hackday stage Originally uploaded by xian. I’m going to name the robots Foo and Bar. We still haven’t announced the musical act that will be performing on this stage tonight. So far I’ve heard Cody Simms and Neal Sample (Cody and Neal, hmmm….) give a great overview of YOS (with great visuals by Micah Laaker),…
Apps I've downloaded onto my iPhone so far
Twitterific would like to use your current location! Shazam didn’t recognize John Cage last night. Facebook is slick. OmniFocus is my new Obama. Google app is weak (brings up a tiny serp?) but at least it exists. Pandora would be perfect if faster and also not crashy. You had me at NYTimes. Loopt does what…
…and we're back
Holy Christ that was a giant pain in the ass. On the bright side I may have gotten a whole chapter for my book on presence, all about what it’s like to have a longstanding web presence offline for six weeks or more. As far as the Internet is concerned you might as well be…
System going down in 10 minutes. Please finish up….
This blog, this domain, and all of my other Mediajunkie domains are going offline for about a week. We are retooling our server, migrating from RHL to Ubuntu, and generally tightening up security. If I have a burning need to blog while this site is down, I’ll do it over at Vox. See you in…
I'm helping Sir Christopher Wren build this here cathedral
Or should I perhaps have found an anecdote with a bazaar in it for my title? I’ve been enjoying watching a lot of my fellow Y!OS cow-orkers “decloak” if you will and proudly announce to family and friends that yes, this Yahoo! Open strategy is what we’ve all been working on:
Testing Anil Dash's text-embed idea
Anil Dash blogged recently about adapting the embedding method used for rich media on personal / blog / social sites (most common use case: embedding a YouTube video on a MySpace page) to simple text quoting. He has added an embed code to each of his entries and I’m going to paste it in, inside…