Tag: memes

  • Let's put that 'Leftists have no sense of humor' meme to rest, shall we?

    from MZ: Actual slogans seen at the SF peace march on Sunday: Stop Our Crazed Government. Take Back Our USA.PEACE: Live In It Or Rest In ItOregonians for SanityBush: Inspect Yourself!War Is So Last CenturyBlow It Out Your Ass, BushNo War Go Giants and from dac: some more, from both SF and D.C. Blondes for…

  • Timezones

    I’d like to see a breakdown of the living web (or at least the blogosphere) in terms of timezone codestamps on documents.

  • What's Sullivan for Instalanche?

    ShortStrings (no permalinks, but it was posted Tuesday, October 08, 2002), says Andrew Sullivan reports that Christopher Hitchens’s new book on Orwell went from 1,074 to 4 on Amazon’s best seller list after he chose it for his next book club discussion. (More…)

  • What's next? The homeless rockstar?

    I remember in that strange Terry Gilliam film The Fisher King that the two homeless guys eventually get pitched to participate in an upbeat sitcom (or was it reality show? that’s what it would be today) about homelessness to be called “Home Free!” Homeless people have had homepages for a long time now, especially since…

  • Send lawyers, guns, and money

    Hey, my triumvirate of motivations meme is getting legs. I noticed a visitor today referred from a post called [Python-Dev] Missing symbol in sre.py (Python 2.2.2b1) on what I gather is a list for Python developers).

  • 50 most loathsome

    The Buffalo Beast names the 50 most loathsome people in America, 2002. Pretty over-the-top (fairly vulgar too), but funny and much of it is hard to argue with. A sampling: 13. SEAN HANNITY Misdeeds: Without question one of the most smarmy, vile, hypocritical talking heads on television. Has the uncanny ability to vilify and generalize…