Tag: memes
Blogosphere Discusses Salon's Forbidden Thoughts
Here’s the first concrete dividend from Salon’s blog initiative: Scott Rosenberg’s massively credible blog could serve as a coequal (with Instapundit) staging place for the extensive blogotastic discussion of the Salon article on forbidden thoughts about 9/11 as Glenn’s. The feedback loop provided proves to me that Salon has joined the blogosphere and is not…
Learning from Weblogs
In Building New Communities: Learning from Weblogs (a PowerPoint file), Tom Coates of plasticbag.org maps out the role of personal weblogs in community-building online. He has even broken down the communities surrounding a blog into three typical categores: online shared interests, geographical commonalities, and “real life” friends and family. Why am I not surprised that…
Weblogged Conversation: Slow Academic Adoption of Weblogs
Seb closes the loop on an interesting multi-weblog conversation about why weblogs have not (yet?) been widely adoped by academics as a research tool: Stephen over at Blogging Alone mentions Sébastien Paquet’s reasons why blogging has failed to become a widely accepted research tool among academia. I disagree with nearly all of these reasons. Below…
What She Said
reverse cowgirl once again has the best critique around of the smarly little “chat” between Sullivan and Andersen at Slate: under the MSN umbrella, Anderson and Sullivan sit muttering about blogging before a pre-packed audience, waiting for a pre-decided upon paycheck, generating prose to be processed by a pre-ordained editor. in all its dull lifelessness,…
Daypop Down
Not only does Daypop seem to be down (via blogpopuli via Spartaneity), but it also seems as though porno spammers have figured out how to use Blogger to ping weblogs.com.
Why I Love the Two-Way Web
Briefly, my post about blogging over the modem here generated directions to a nearby cybercafe and an invitation to come over and use someone’s wireless/cable access. Pretty friendly town this Internet.