Tag: memes

  • Google suggests

    Trying out the Google Guessing Rank (GGR) game outlined by Jon Scalzi, I got a kick out of watching what Google Suggest (it’s a beta) thought I might be searching for until I got four letters into my last name. Here’s the literal sequence if I type all the letters (counting even when it doesn’t…

  • Your jukebox should know

    Scalzi is spreading a meme: Open up the music player on your computer (if you have one — the music player, I mean. Clearly you have a computer, because otherwise you couldn’t read this). Set it to play your entire music collection. Hit the “shuffle” command. Tell us the title of the next ten songs…

  • Fujiwara Kaito, I like the sound of that

    According to your real Japanese name generator, my Japanese name is 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 海斗 Kaito (big dipper of the ocean)

  • RSS meme gets a weblog

    Just when I’m thinking of saying webfeeds to people and wondering why any normal person would care if Atom or RSS were or were not offered in equal measure by some service, Dave Winer puts his weblogging where his mouth is with the new Really Simple Syndication site. I’ve just posted more about this (and…

  • I was hoping for the toaster

    Magister Mundi sum! (“I am the Master of the Universe!”) You are full of yourself, but you’re so cool you probably deserve to be. Rock on. Uh, OK then. Thanks, I guess, Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla.

  • The spellchecker suggests Crumpets

    For no good reason I’m pushing a meme today, echoing it through the mediajunkiesphere and sending out an annoying Orkut announcement to my regretting- it- already friends. It may work or it may not but pouting never accomplished anything. The spellcheckers has some funny suggestions for how to spell my name.